A Message from the Universe ~ Toxic Masculinity and Loud Love

Today’s Message from the Universe invites you to take a real look at your thoughts and beliefs surrounding masculinity.
The first card, “Honor the Masculine” has come out a lot this year. It’s not surprising as there seems to be quite a bit more contention surrounding this subject among the collective recently.
The second and third cards are focused on the throat chakra, our breath, our voice, our song. Some of us have been speaking our truth but many of us need to speak up more, making sure to select our words carefully and cultivate a healthy state of mind.
Some may click off and hit the comment section when they read my next words but they need to be said.
Yes, all men.
All men, all women, and all the beautiful hearts on all points of the gender spectrum. We are all affected by the toxicity and imbalance that has resulted from centuries of men being the ones making all the rules.
The term “toxic masculinity” does not mean that all men are toxic. It simply means that our societal beliefs and expectations surrounding masculinity are toxic.
Men are expected to be emotionless and strong. They are often raised to ignore their emotions to their own detriment and tend toward violence, not understanding that true strength is not about brute force.
Women are somehow expected to be and do all the important things but are still somehow seen as less than. Ignored in the workplace and a target in public, we are expected to bear injustice with grace and silence, else we are seen as too emotional. Strange in the face of men for whom it is perfectly acceptable to throw temper tantrums when met with the slightest difficulty or resistance.
God help you if you don’t fit into the little gender boxes we’ve created.
Now, these messages aren’t about complaining or stirring shit up, they’re about being better today than we were yesterday. This is a hot subject because our society is changing. Never before have we had such open access to our fellow humans around the world!
There are plenty of people who don’t want things to change but they’re just louder and more abrasive. Many of those people are speaking and acting from a place of fear or misunderstanding. There are so many more of us who want to see balance and peace become the norm rather than the outlier. It’s up to us to raise our hearts and voices, our harmony, to be louder than the cacophonous noise of fear and hate.
You don’t have to run for office or be a public figure in order to be a part of this change. It all starts with our small selves putting that good shit into our everyday thoughts and interactions. Don’t allow the fear and anger of others to dampen your vibe. Love loudly! Make them question their thoughts and beliefs by showing them what a healthy heart and mind look like.
Smile at others as often as possible, tap into that compassion, and fill your life with acts of random kindness! Every smile and good deed passes love and hope to another person who will then be able to pass it on to another. Not only that, these thoughts and actions make you feel better, how cool is that?
It may seem like I got away from the subject of toxic masculinity a little but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It is love, peace, and compassion that will create the healthy changes, views, and relationships we’re seeking. You cannot belittle a person for their gender, color, class, etc. when you embody these values.
Though it is often necessary to show our anger to initiate these changes on a larger scale, it is our compassion and understanding that makes others think differently about the narrative they’ve entertained their entire lives.
This is how we turn haters into partners.
Today’s Crystals
Today’s Deck
Check Out This Deck
Today’s Music
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