Keep Your Vibe High ~ A Message From the Universe
Tarot-based guidance for the week to come or whenever you happen to see this 🙂

Today’s Message From the Universe reminds you to keep your vibe high!
There is so much that wants to keep us weighed down in this world and it’s up to us to refuse to let it beat us down!
Now, I’m not one of those people who is only love and light – we have the more difficult feelings for a reason. Anger, for example, is often a catalyst that brings change to one’s life as well as our communities and even our global society. However, you must not let the things that anger you make you lose focus on what needs doing or bring you down to the level of those who are part of the problem.
It’s also quite easy to see all that is happening in the world around you and become overwhelmed and hopeless – literally carrying the weight of the world in your heart.
Vibing high isn’t all kindness and compassion either, though these things are incredibly important. A high vibe encompasses courage and boundaries and standing up for those who cannot defend themselves. Even chaos and destruction can be found here as they are the very basis of creation and change.
Balance and self-care are the key ingredients to keeping your vibe high.
You might spend your days binging on news that feeds on your fear or you might try to ignore all that is happening around you – neither is healthy for any of us. I can’t stand the current president of my country but it does me no good to involve myself in talking shit about him all day. He’s only an ugly puppet for a broken system.
As with all things, moderation is important. Limit your news and social media consumption. Be informed but on your own terms. While I think it’s almost impossible not to be biased on certain matters, try to stay away from headlines and outlets with inflammatory language and tone.
Look at something from Reuters then something from Fox News or MSN and you’ll see the difference. The wrong stuff usually feels like it’s yelling at you and tends to have a smug and/or judgy tone. If you’re looking for a better news outlet, here’s a chart from Harvard that I think you will find helpful.
Keeping healthy boundaries regarding media is only part of the high-vibe equation, of course.
We all need to be doing the things that fill our proverbial cups as often as possible. Enjoying yourself doesn’t negate the anger or sadness you feel because you are not a one-dimensional person. Many things can be true at the same time.
The little things filled with joy, the gratitude you feel for the good in your life and in the world – these are the things that keep us fighting the good fight because they are the very things we fight for. These are the things that create connection to ourselves, our higher powers, and our fellow humans. The lack of that connection is at the root of so many of our problems and is usually an important part of the solution.
However you may be dancing with this energy, remember that every journey begins with a single step.
How you move in the world shows others what is possible, creating ripples that reach further than you could even imagine! When all is said and done, we all want to live our lives in peace and joy – even when we think it impossible. Nothing is impossible, keep dancing!!
Today’s crystals and decks will bring you to that item in my shop while the music links will bring you to YouTube 🙂
Today’s Crystals
Today’s Deck
Check Out This Deck
Last Week’s Message from the Universe
Most Recent Pick-a-Card Tarot Reading
Today’s Music
*Warning, I love a variety of music so I often share explicit and/or “low vibe” music. What gets me pumped might not do the same for you 🙂
Candlebox, Far Behind
Billie Eilish, All I Ever Wanted
Rihanna, Lift Me Up
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