A Message from the Universe ~ Cut It Out!
Today’s Message from the Universe reminds you that you are the creator of your life.
Yes, there are plenty of things that happen to you that you cannot control, but the details are up to you. You don’t have to live up to someone’s expectations and you do not have to remain tied to people that are toxic to you.
Take a good look at who you are, where you stand, what needs changing, and what should have your full attention and effort, even if you’ve done this recently, as reassessment should happen on a regular basis.
There is added emphasis on what you put in your physical body and what you allow your brain/emotional body to absorb. Limit or cut out your news and social media intake. It’s good to be informed but most of it is designed to play on your anger and fear.
The planet and our fellow humans are far more beautiful than what your tv would have you believe. If you make the best out of your circumstances and are kind to others, you will inspire others to do the same.
We are over 7 billion people on this planet and only a handful shows the worst of humanity, they just get better ratings.
Today’s Crystals:
Today’s Deck:
Today’s Song:
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