A Message from the Universe ~ Connection, Manifestation, & Revolution

Today’s Message from the Universe reminds you that everything is connected.
The word “manifestation,” and many other words and thoughts associated with spirituality, are not nearly as “woo” as you think. Much of what we talk about, especially here, have a very firm foundation in our psychological and physical worlds. Manifestation is simply making your thoughts and visualizations come to life in the physical world.
We may have different ways of bringing about our manifestations but the principals are the same. You decide you want something, you open yourself to the idea that you can make it happen, and then you begin creating. Hard work and dedication are important but so is this opening to possibility. When you are open and doing and looking, you carry yourself differently than if you were coming from a place of disbelief and pessimism. You look different, talk different, and your interactions with others increase in both frequency and quality. You can see where this alone might increase your chances of bringing your manifestations to life.
Now that we’ve talked about your intentional manifestations, lets talk about the things you bring into being that you are most likely unaware of or just never really thought of. Everything you do has a ripple effect, echoing through neighborhoods, communities, into different parts of the world and continues through coming generations.
A kind word or deed may actually save the life of someone you didn’t even know was suffering. Who you are and what you do might inspire others to do the same just because you showed them it could actually be done.
Of course, all of this grows exponentially when you have kids and/or young adults who see how you treat others as well as yourself. They don’t have to be your kids or even kids that are related to you. Neighborhood kids, young people on the internet, they see and hear you even if you don’t realize that they exist. Treating yourself poorly or allowing others to treat you poorly will almost certainly show them that they should treat themselves the same way. This, of course, applies to your treatment of others as well.
Now lets talk about how the outside world affects you. It seems nearly impossible to avoid being exposed to the hateful and often terrifying things happening in the world around you, and honestly we shouldn’t try to avoid it completely. Bad things happen and we can affect change both more and less than we think. You just want to make sure to try to avoid news and people who sensationalize and create more fear and drama around these things.
For every awful thing you see and hear, there are at least just as many beautiful and inspiring things. The good stuff doesn’t make headlines though. Your fear and anger, as well as hatred for others and self are what makes money for those who call the shots.
Lets look at what’s going on in the Middle East right now. There’s not much going on that could inspire…now. It is only a fraction of any people that create and perpetuate war and violence in general. The majority of us just want to live our lives in peace no matter what “side” of the war we’re on or what government rules us.
We don’t want to fight or work ourselves to the point of sickness to barely get by. We don’t want to continue to destroy our habitat or infect everything we eat with shit that makes us sick. We don’t want to live in a perpetual state of fear and survival mode, none of us!
Those in the younger generations put hope in my heart. They’re breaking general curses and discriminatory systems at a seemingly impossible rate. Of course this kind of big change does not happen overnight and we tend to see more of the awful shit simply because it’s louder. Old energies are screaming rabidly in an effort to remain rooted in place so don’t let them fool you into thinking they’re the majority when it’s actually the opposite.
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
― Fred Rogers
Rose Quartz
The Elemental Oracle by Stacey Demarco
Queen of the Moon Oracle: Guidance through Lunar and Seasonal Energies by Stacey Demarco
“Pink Floyd, Hey You”
“Slipknot, Snuff”
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