A Message from the Universe ~ A Pro$perou$ Day!

Today’s Message from the Universe suggests this is a good day for your wallet!
Even if you don’t see actual money, what you do today will have a positive effect on your bank account at least in the short term. You may be setting yourself up or studying for a secure future.
This is your confirmation that this is a prosperous path for you.
Now there is always a bit of a warning with the 4 of pentacles. Be careful not to value material assets over the people and things that make you truly abundant. Additionally, if you hold on too tightly to your money then you are likely blocking much of the abundance that is available to you.
This is especially true for those of us who ride or used to ride that poverty line. When money is associated with fear and shame, it takes a lot of consistent and intentional thoughts, actions, and habits to break away from the “lack” mindset. Keep up the self-talk, mantras, vision boards, etc.
You got this!