A Message from the Universe ~ Anger & Rage

Today’s Message from the Universe Advises you to reflect on the role that anger plays in your life.
We’ve got a pretty tenuous relationship with this particular emotion. Some people learn that a show of anger will get them their way. Others are taught to suppress it with all the other uncomfortable feelings and make themselves small to avoid the wrath of someone whose rage is gigantic.
Anger is not only healthy, it’s informative and motivating. It’s when a person represses their anger or uses it to inflict harm on another, that it becomes unhealthy. Unfortunately, we have many generations of conditioning to heal, but we’re breaking those cycles. The whole planet, except…like 12 people, is loudly proclaiming our refusal to treat and be treated like shit.
The days of sweeping abusive behavior under the rug have passed. The days of thinking that war is normal human behavior are on their way out with those who profit from it.
This is a new age, my friends. Let your anger inform and motivate you. Set boundaries, use the word “no,” and cut shitty people out of your life. Use your anger to fuel your art or plan your escape.
No more stuffing it down!