A Message from the Universe ~ Are You Trying too Hard?
Today’s Message from the Universe advises you to examine your relationship with flow.
When we think of salmon, we often think of swimming upstream, even against the current. Yes, they have a grueling journey ahead of them when it comes time to spawn, but they utilize everything they can to help get them there. They use the Earth’s magnetic force to orient themselves and smells to let them know they’re getting closer.
Natural currents provide stillness in the shadow of a rock and propulsion at different points of a waterfall.
Make sure that you are also utilizing what’s available to you instead of feeling like it makes the journey somehow lesser. Hustle and grind got nothing on flow. Whatever we do, it’s done best when we are happy and healthy…hustle and grind have us wearing ourselves thin and producing just enough or good enough to get by.
Take a time out today, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, to clear your mind and do a bit of breathwork. You can then take a look at what you’re trying to do and feel around to see if there’s a more efficient or even fun way to do it.
Put some good music on and ride the waves!
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