A Message from the Universe ~ Full Supermoon Shenanigans

Today’s Message from the Universe advises you to utilize the energy provided by tomorrow’s Strawberry Supermoon.
You really couldn’t get much clearer than the cards that jumped out of my deck; don’t let the sacrifice card scare you either. Full moon energies are most helpful when used to release that which does not contribute to our overall sense of wholeness and fulfillment.
You don’t need to ask what sacrifice is needed in your life; you’re well aware of the people, habits, patterns, and even physical clutter that holds you back. Try not to get too discouraged or overwhelmed with previous attempts to break this particular pattern, just keep trying!
There is a very specific message coming through for someone regarding the way you hide your authentic self in order to be more palatable to someone, or many someones, in your life. Happiness, love, fulfillment, and wholeness require you to be exactly who you are – flaws and all.
The more you let the true you come out, the more you call in people and situations that fit and even love you despite the attributes you think are so awful.
For those of you in a newish relationship, make sure you don’t let yourself and everything else in your life fade into the background. Two whole and healthy people make for a far better relationship than two people trying to become one entity.
Let it all hang out, we love the whole person, not just the “good” parts.
Today’s Crystals:
Today’s Deck:
Today’s Song:
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