Message from the Universe ~ Loyalty, You’re Doing it Wrong!
Today’s Message from the Universe asks you to examine the role that loyalty plays in your life.
Loyalty is often misunderstood and misdirected. We might be fiercely loyal to a significant other, friends, family, even a job; all while betraying ourselves.
Some of you might be sticking it out far longer than is healthy. Your family and friends are still people, possibly capable of doing some pretty rotten things at times. You are by no means obligated to be loyal to someone who is cruel to you.
Commit to yourself, let every move you make start with this question, “Is this move aligned with the happy and peaceful life I’m trying to create?”
Many of you read that title and scoffed at it thinking there aren’t any loyal people out there. Your message is crystal clear lol. There are over 7 billion people on this earth so if you’re a loyal person then it’s only logical that there are a shit-ton of people out there who are loyal as well.
I know you got trampled before but this is a different circumstance and you are a different person. Open up a little and be grateful instead of waiting for something bad to happen. That’s like praying for the things you don’t want.