A Message from the Universe ~ Using Dreams in Real Life

Today’s Message from the Universe indicates a period of vivid dreaming.
There seems to be some big energy surrounding dreams right now and we are being reminded of the purpose of our nocturnal processes. Some dreams might be clairvoyant or offer signs for us to follow upon waking but in general, our dreams are an important mechanism that helps us to process our days and waking thoughts. They help to facilitate long and short-term memory while creating new pathways in our brain to accommodate new experiences and habits.
If you are having a lot of nightmares, this message reminds you that this is a big part of how we heal from our most difficult wounds. This is why nightmares are a prominent symptom of PTSD. It’s our subconscious’s way of handling the stuff that is too much for our conscious selves to deal with at the time; it’s your brain’s way of protecting you even though it doesn’t necessarily feel that way.
Whether you’re having nightmares, clairvoyant, weird, or just run-of-the-mill dreams about your day, this message is advising you to start writing them down as often as you can. Try to create a habit around this and you will find that your dreams, and sleep in general, can be a great tool.
Most of my difficult decisions have been made while I was sleeping. I go to sleep with a question in my mind and wake up knowing what I’m going to do without a second thought. I’ve even begun to track my dreams digitally using keywords that help to show me recurring themes and symbols.
Artists and inventors have created masterpieces and incredible new things in their dreams for as long as the human race has existed. A composer might hear new music in their dreams and many scientists have found new new theories by tapping into their dream state.
Our sleeping dreams are limitless which makes them a great starting place to cook up real-life dreams that we can make a reality. Put some amethyst under your pillow and keep a notepad with a pen right where it’s easiest to see and access upon waking. Try to use it every day, even if you’re only able to write down how you feel when you wake up or try to draw something that is hard to describe with words.
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