A Message from the Universe ~ Your Healing Needs Intention

Today’s Message from the Universe reminds you that time alone will not heal your wounds.
Just as a broken bone might need to be realigned before putting it in a cast, your mental and emotional pain require your attention and intention in order to heal properly. If you don’t purposely work on yourself then you will only continue to repeat painful and self-sabotaging patterns.
If you’ve already been working on this then the message is a reminder that time and practice are needed for thorough healing. You might even feel like you came so far but are now regressing.
This is not the case. These things will come back around periodically to help you re-process from your newest point of view. It’s not a test or a chance to prove you’ve learned something, it’s just reminding you of how far you’ve come while giving you the chance to place it in a different pocket.
Sometimes it might just be a rough day, kind of like old wounds might become achy on a rainy day.
Tonight is a full moon, giving you the perfect energy for releasing that which does not serve while strengthening and recommitting to your new path and upgraded self. For those of you who are ahead of us here in the mainland United States or those who are unable to do anything with this energy tonight, full moon energy is at its peak from about three days before to about 3 days after the official date of the full moon.
Today’s Crystals:
Today’s Deck:
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