August 1st 2023 Full Moon Tarotscope

The August 1st 2023 Full Moon in Aquarius is called the Sturgeon Moon. A full moon, along with a few days before and after, is the best time for releasing that which no longer serves you and gives a powerful boost to anything you’ve been working on. If you’d like to know more about the astrology around this this full moon and get a few ideas for journal prompts, check out Full Moon August 1st – 5 Things to Know, By Alina Alive on YouTube.
This forecast covers the time period of August 1st, 2023 through August 29th, 2023. Time and energy are fluid so if you’re seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.

Aries, March 21 – April 19
Spend some good quality time with those close to you. If you’re attached, this is a great time to establish a date night or hang out in a group setting (I’m feeling game night). This is also a good time for some of you to make apologies for a recent argument that may have provoked you to say things you didn’t mean and work on trying to prevent similar arguments in the future. If you are single and looking then this is a great time to, again, spend time with those close to you. You’re very magnetic at this time so get out there and be seen!

Taurus, April 20 – May 20
You may have been putting a lot of work into a project of sorts, it could be a work or creative project but for most, this is regarding a close relationship. Nobody wants to be told to be patient and I’m not fond of telling anybody to be patient but here it is. It’s a good idea to meditate and/or do whatever it is that helps to bring a little more calm to you. You’re brain is getting carried away so try not to let it be louder than your gut. Everything is going to be just fine, trust the process.

Gemini, May 21 – June 21
You are on fire right now!! You’ve put a lot of effort into learning and building your skills to forge a career and life path that wholly aligns with you. You have literally poured your blood, sweat, and tears into it. You may currently be quite frustrated and letting your self-doubt get the best of you so answer that self-doubt with logic. This kind of effort, flexibility, and dedication is what makes things happen, even if those things might look a little different than you visualized. You’re no longer trying to open a new chapter in your life, you’ve already opened it and are well on your way to great and beautiful things!

Cancer, June 22 – July 23
It seems as if you have finally put some pretty difficult feels behind you now. Of course, such things may come up from time to time but you’ve crossed into a place where they no longer dominate your thoughts. Because you’ve done the work, you’ve now begun to build a strong foundation for your next chapter. Use the energy of this full moon to help you clear some of the rubble from that foundation. Removing yourself from toxic people and situations is super important right now as well as setting boundaries for how you treat yourself and how you allow others to treat you. “No” is a magic word! This is also a very fertile time for you so plant your seeds for the future and be extra cautious in the bedroom if you don’t want to conceive.

Leo, July 24 – August 23
You’ve worked hella hard to get where you are in finance, healing from some pretty big trauma, and/or unlearning some limiting beliefs about yourself and the world around you. In fact, you’ve worked so hard on this that it’s perfectly normal for you to want to hold it tightly and keep it protected. However, being overprotective is only going to cause problems. You are meant to share this with others. Whether you give financially to someone less fortunate or share your difficult story with others who are going through the things you’ve healed from, you are being called to lift others. Sharing multiplies all the good things so loosen that grip ????

Virgo, August 24 – September 22
You are at a crossroads and need to make and act on a decision before the universe makes that choice for you. I feel like the action you need to take is far more difficult than the decision. You know what’s toxic and unhealthy for you and I feel you might need to hear that this person or situation is not going to change if you stick it out. People are quite capable of change but they have to want it and trying to make somebody change just doesn’t work. How does this person or situation make you feel? And I’m not talking about feeling love or passion. I’m talking about that feeling of not being enough, or being too much. The thought that if you could be better then they would be better. It’s time to cut away all that crap. You deserve better!

Libra, September 23 – October 22
You may be feeling a little anxious and/or have energy that you don’t know what to do with. Full moons will do that! Even more, you’re ready for a change even, and especially, if you don’t like change or fear the unknown that lies beyond your comfort zone. This energy is passion; it’s sexual and creative. This is the energy used to create new life in the form of art, babies, and life paths. Use this energy to boost your manifestations and seek out a new direction in the form of the road less traveled.

Scorpio, October 23 – November 22
You may be having a bit of a problem with time management or figuring out how to fit something or someone new into your life. It’s also possible that you just have so much going on, mentally and/or physically, that you find it almost impossible to focus or finish. All this, of course, is amplified by the energy of this full moon. You need a little structure and a big sword to cut out the unnecessary bs. Break out a notepad and do a brain dump. Write down all the stuff going on in that big brain of yours with the intention of finding and eliminating the things you can’t control, what isn’t working, and prioritizing what’s left. This will help your brain to process these things a little differently and give you the opportunity to map out and prioritize the rest. It will also be quite helpful for you to designate particular times and/or days for all the things including personal tasks and self-care.

Sagittarius, November 23 – December 20
You are in need of a little rest. Even, and especially, the good and fun things can be exhausting. You may have been focusing a little too much on a relationship or career path and need to come back to yourself. You have to do a little maneuvering to fit this into your life instead of letting it eclipse everything else. You will benefit highly from a little alone time, actual sleep, and a lot of self-care. Wonderful things can cause burnout just as much as anything else so pay attention to your body and mind when they signal the need for rest and renewal.

Capricorn, December 21 – January 20
It might be a little slow and even painful but your wish is coming true! You’ve set everything in motion and it’s time to remove yourself from people and situations that no longer serve you. There is a particular emphasis on setting boundaries and removing or cutting down your time with people from your life who aren’t supportive of what you’re trying to do. Our own self-doubt is more than enough of a problem without adding the doubts of those around us. I don’t feel any big cuts so people who fall away at this time will likely be back once you’re position is a bit more stable. They have to walk their own path so let them go with love.

Aquarius, January 21 – February 19
You’ve really put the worst behind you and have been on a mostly solitary path as you build the new in your life. You are on the very precipice of all the wonderful things you’ve been calling in. Freedom, love, stability, and legacy are all taking form as we speak, you’ve already had a little taste of some so hold on to that taste and let it strengthen your hope and belief in a bright new future. You’ve worked so hard for this so you should be proud of yourself and celebrate your progress. There’s also a big chance that someone else will notice your efforts and give you just the boost you need!

Pisces, February 20 – March 20
If you’ve been feeling stuck or like everything is a mess then you need look no further than your own thoughts, beliefs, and patterns. Maybe you were actually stuck or going through it but didn’t realize there was opportunity to change things up for the better. Use the energy of this full moon to help you release these old thoughts and patterns and change your perspective. There is a particularly loud message calling for the need to deal with addiction and forgive the unforgivable. You’re not saying it’s ok that they (or you) did what they (you) did, just that you will no longer allow them (and/or wounded you) to hijack your thoughts and life. It’s time you started creating and cultivating the life you want and deserve ????