Full Moon Pick-A-Card for February 2025
Nonya’s Nonsense Newsletter #20
We have a full moon in Leo on Wednesday, February 12th and I thought it would be fun to do a Pick-A-Card reading! In addition to the reading, you will find a little more about how to use the different phases of the moon and more about this full moon in particular.
Catching this a little late? No worries, full moon energy can be utilized for up to three days before and three days after its peak. My readings are also timeless so they should apply whenever you happen to see them 🙂
Table of Contents
How to use moon phases
The Farmer’s Almanac actually has a great post about how to utilize the energy of the full moon. You can find that here.
And here’s a little cheat sheet you can save to help you determine the best activities for all phases:

About this full moon
This full moon is called the Snow Moon but is also referred to as the Bald Eagle Moon or Eagle Moon, Bear Moon and Black Bear Moon, Raccoon Moon, Groundhog Moon, and Goose Moon among various Native American tribes.
According to Cafe Astrology
“This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between romance and friendship, and between expressing ourselves in personal and impersonal ways.
“With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic illumination occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves, and to let things out of our systems. Over the coming weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.”
Your Pick-A-Card Tarot reading
Select a pile that calls to you, as many as you like, and click the image to jump to your reading.
Pile selection:
Decks and crystals used for this reading:
(Links will bring you to that item in my shop.)
Decks used: Queen of the Moon Oracle, The Dreamkeepers Tarot
Crystals used: Aquamarine, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Bumblebee Jasper, Rose Quartz
Pile 1 – Aquamarine

You may not have been feeling in the best of moods lately. You might be stuck on a recent disappointment, stuck in a rut, or feeling angry or depressed even if you are unsure of why you feel this way.
While it’s healthy to feel all types of emotions it’s not good to dwell in the difficult ones longer than necessary. Of course, only you can determine if you’ve been stuck in an energy for too long – everyone’s timeline is different! Even if you are grieving, you need to come up for air from time to time.
Use the energy of this full moon to release some of the heaviness you’ve been stuck in for so long and amp up your gratitude.
Write down what you want to release and burn it as you visualize the smoke carrying that heaviness away. This is also a great time to do a little cord-cutting as your connection to someone can continue long after they have left your life. Here’s a link to help you learn the why and how of cord-cutting.
Now for the gratitude. I can’t begin to tell you the profound effect that living in a state of gratitude can have on your life! It can be difficult to find things to be grateful for when you’re going through a difficult time but that’s when you need it the most! It gets much easier with practice.
Write down as many things to be grateful for as possible. You’re not going to burn this list, you’re going to look at it and add to it as much as possible. Do whatever you can to feel that gratitude deeply for each item on that list. Dwelling in a space of gratitude calls in more to be grateful for and makes the hard times so much easier to bear!
Pile 2 – Blue Tiger’s Eye

You may have been pushing a little too hard for something when what you really need to do is flow with it. If you do go with the flow, it may even feel like you’re drifting away from what you want or need but this is not necessarily true.
The full moon is excellent for manifesting and this is especially true for you at the moment. While we need to do the work, we also need to know when we’ve done all that we can in the 3D. It’s time to focus on attracting instead of chasing.
Think about what you really want instead of what you think will get you there, leaving the details to The Universe, your higher power, or your spirit team. The phrase “let go and let God” is a great way to think of it.
You are hella magnetic right now so use it!! Visualize what you want and make yourself feel the way you will feel when it comes to fruition! It may help to make a vision board, play music that evokes that feeling, light candles, and/or use aromatherapy.
You can read this link to learn more about manifestation and find a few different kinds of rituals for manifesting.
Pile 3 – Bumblebee Jasper

This full moon will be incredible for you, you have been manifesting your butt off!! You’ve put in so much hard work but have also been quite intentional when it comes to putting your vision out into The Universe. You are seriously magnetic right now!
You may already be seeing signs of fruition but you will be seeing so much more over the course of the next month or so.
Keep your heart and intention focused on your vision to make the best of this full moon energy. Spend some extra time with your vision board, journal, or planner. Officially release anything that doesn’t serve you in your heart, mind, and physical space to help make room for the good stuff. Perform a ritual to help you reconnect to your vision and amplify the energy that supports it.
Great things are making their way to you!
You can read this link to learn more about manifestation and find a few different kinds of rituals for manifesting.
4 – Rose Quartz

You may have been feeling quite stuck in a dark place for some time now or, though things are mostly ok, you may feel as if they’re not moving at all. Your reading indicates that there is not much you can do to affect things at this point in time besides what you’re already doing.
Nobody like to be told to have patience and I’m not fond of having to advise patience either – but here we are anyway!
There is an element of divine timing here, of puzzle pieces falling in place behind the scenes. It takes time to build something stable. It also takes time for things to come back into balance, especially when the imbalance was so great.
Fear not! While it will take much longer than a month for things to right themselves, your reading indicates your ability to make the best of what you have. You will find many opportunities this month to truly enjoy your life.
Use the energy of this full moon to be intentional about doing things that bring joy to you. Make a conscious decision to contact a good friend or family member you haven’t seen in a while, go dancing, have a fire, etc.
I’m also hearing that you should be intentional with your health – not because you’re sick but because consuming healthy food and moving your body is a wonderful feeling, especially if you deal with chronic illness and pain. Let food be thy medicine!
Wrapping up
Well, there you have it! What do you think about these pick-a-card readings? Did your reading resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
What I’m doing
What I’ve written this past week
All the links are free, of course 🙂
What I’m reading
The Lost Years of Merlin
I discovered this one on YouTube a few years ago and it’s one of those that I will return to somewhat regularly. There are several books in this series and I’m in the process of purchasing the books one by one 🙂
“A raging sea tosses a boy upon the shores of ancient Wales. Left for dead, he has no memory, no name, and no home. But it is his determination to find out who he is—to learn the truth about his mysterious powers—that leads him to a strange and enchanted land. And it is there he discovers that the fate of this land and his personal quest are strangely entwined.”
Here’s the YouTube link to the first part of the first book.
What I’m watching
Links from IMBD
Psychological thriller on Prime and MGM+
Wow, this movie was so good!!! It stars Channing Tatum who really got to show what he was made of, Zoe Kravitz directed it, and Christian Slater is in it as well. There is some SA but it’s tastefully done.
“When tech billionaire Slater King meets cocktail waitress Frida at his fundraising gala, he invites her to join him and his friends on a dream vacation on his private island. As strange things start to happen, Frida questions her reality.”
Psychological thriller on Showtime, Netflix, and Paramount+
This series is so good that I haven’t watched the last episode yet, despite it being over a week since I finished the rest of it! This one stars Melanie Lynskey, Juliette Lewis, and Christina Ricci.
“A wildly talented girls high school soccer team become the unlucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the Canadian wilderness.”
What I’m listening to
Ashnikko – Working Bitch
Pearl Jam, Just Breathe
Tai Verdes, AOK
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melissaherzog · March 2, 2025 at 3:25 pm
Hey, we won’t lose contact of each other!!! Looking forward to March!
Trish Nonya · March 2, 2025 at 3:58 pm
I was thinking the same and man, am I ready for spring!!