Full Moon Tarotscope, December 2022

The full moon is a time of release and the culmination of what was begun during the most recent new moon. This Full “Cold” Moon in Gemini will be focusing particularly on things like work/life balance, creating boundaries for yourself as well as others, and removing some of the unnecessary things from your life that drain your energy.
Since this is the last full moon of 2022, this is a great time to review what has and hasn’t worked for you over this past year and think about what you’d like to see and do in 2023. The new moon on the 23rd will be a great time to hash out the details and set intentions for the coming year.
This forecast covers the time period of December 7th, 2022 through January 5th, 2023. Time is fluid so If you’re seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.

Aries, March 21 – April 19
You’ve been working hard on developing some financial opportunities that were presented to you earlier in the year. Progress seems to be moving at a snail’s pace or halted altogether but this is your confirmation that you are on the right path. It’s also a good reminder that good and sustainable things take time. I know you’re feeling a little short on patience right now but that is exactly what is needed at this time. Use the energy of this full moon to shine a light on how to make your processes and the use of your time a little more efficient.

Taurus, April 20 – May 20
You’ve decided this past year to do something in an unconventional way and it’s beginning to pay off. If it isn’t moving fast enough for you or if someone is making you feel like you’re doing it wrong, you may be tempted to change things up again, this time in a way that the people around you or your own memories or beliefs tell you how it “should” be done. Don’t do it! You have changed, the world around you has changed. What has worked in the past is not likely to bring the best results at this time.

Gemini, May 21 – June 21
A better life is closer than you know! You are probably feeling quite stuck in your current circumstances but you have more control than you think. Whether it’s the voices of the people around you, the voices of the past, or the doubting voices in your head, you are being lied to, or at the very least, mislead. You are, at this moment, held in place by your fears and insecurities and it’s time you see them for what they are. It’s time to create your exit strategy or path to a goal. Take this time of limited movement to look at your situation from a different point of view and think of what you want instead of what you don’t want, and understand that you really can do and be anything if you are committed and do the work.

Cancer, June 22 – July 23
It’s time to cut out the toxic relationships in your life. The people you surround yourself with should be supportive and contribute to your happiness, not make things more difficult or make you feel like you are somehow not enough. This applies even, and especially, to family members but it could be a job, friends, or coworkers. It might even speak to a part of yourself that needs to be healed in order to learn to create boundaries for yourself and those in your life.

Leo, July 24 – August 23
You might be trying to fill your days and nights with all the things to keep you busy or distracted in order to avoid some difficult feelings. Whether you’re trying to bury your grief or self-medicating your depression, your best move is to take the time to face it and take steps toward healing or treatment. It will only get worse if you keep stuffing it down or pretending it doesn’t exist and this time of year really adds to those difficult feelings. Use the energy of this full moon to release all that you have buried and ignored. Let the tears and anger come to the surface and flow freely, give them over to a creative outlet, and/or write down all the things and burn them. Please make sure to reach out to a friend (no, they wont feel burdened) and/or contact a professional to help you move through this.

Virgo, August 24 – September 22
This year you have or are about to close a very large cycle in your life. Things are going to start moving really fast so take this time to cut out as many unnecessary tasks, steps, details,and time-sucks as possible. This will will make the transition a little easier for you. Work/life balance is essential for your well-being so focus now on creating and maintaining that balance before things start to move so quickly. This is a good time to delegate where you can and hand back all the tasks and responsibilities that don’t belong to you.

Libra, September 23 – October 22
You are incredibly magnetic right now so make sure you are attracting what you want instead of what you don’t want. Remove the word “can’t” from your vocabulary because if you think you can’t then you definitely won’t. There’s a whole world of possibility that lies on the other side of your doubt and disbelief. Instead of focusing on what you don’t like about your circumstances, focus on whatever it is that you are grateful for. If you do this, and really feel it, then the universe will bring you more of the same and is far more likely to bring you what you’ve been asking for.

Scorpio, October 23 – November 22
You’ve been doing an incredible amount of healing over the past year and you’re learning to trust yourself and your intuition a lot more. You may have realized that there is almost always good and bad in any situation. Think things through before you cut them out of your life and/or processes. Don’t make any big decisions when emotions are high. Sleep on it, make a pros and cons list, and consult a few different people for fresh perspectives, and take your time with any actions you take so you can pay attention to the details. Good and lasting things are coming your way!

Sagittarius, November 23 – December 20
This full moon is bringing a little passion and fire to your life. I do believe that this is a foreshadowing of the year to come. Give your energy and passion an outlet to help keep you grounded and focused. This is quite a magetic energy as well so this is a great time to visualize and/or ritualize whatever you you’d like to manifest at this time.

Capricorn, December 21 – January 20
If you’ve been considering a change in career, solopreneuship, or additional income stream then this is your confirmation. You might benefit from collaborating with others or studying what others have done. Be careful not to grip your money so tightly, a “lack” mindset will close up the flow of energy here. Give freely and receive in the same way, keep that energy in motion!

Aquarius, January 21 – February 19
It’s quite possible that self-defeating thoughts might be keeping you in that feeling of being stuck. Of course patience is needed as well as an ability to create something new from a couple of seemingly unrelated things will be highly beneficial at this time. You may also benefit from learning a little more about what you’re working on. Look for the unconventional ways that others have approached this very same thing and see how it might apply nicely for you. This is a period of trial and error that is necessary in order to bring about the best outcome.

Pisces, February 20 – March 20
This particular moon cycle should give you a lovely taste of what’s to come. Your generosity is calling in the reciprocal energy which helps to give you a boost that may be much needed on your part. This is also a time to think about what you’d like to learn in order to enhance this path you’re on. Overall, you will be feeling quite abundant and are starting to see and feel the fruits of your labor. Enjoy it to it’s fullest but be careful not to overindulge.
More on this Full Moon:
Alina Alive – Full Moon December 7th – 5 Things to Know(Youtube)