Full Moon Tarotscope for December 2024

Published by Trish Nonya on

Hello Beautiful souls!!

We’ve got a full moon in Gemini coming up on the 15th of this month and I thought it was a great opportunity to restart my full moon and new moon tarotscopes. You seemed to love them and I loved doing them! So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

Table of Contents

How to use moon phases

About this full moon

According to Cafe Astrology:

“This Full Moon is about communication, attitude, and sense of adventure. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them.”


Tarot-based guidance for your astrological sign. Make sure to check your sun, moon, and rising signs! *Crystal links will bring you to that item in my shop 🙂

Aries, March 20 - April 19

Aries – March 20th through April 19th

My dearest, impatient Aries! I know you’re just itching to see results from changes you’ve made but we both know these things need time to develop so don’t be mucking it up by uprooting it and obsessively poking at it throughout the day. I know that the results of this move will determine some of your next steps so I get it! You’ve got all these ideas bouncing around in your head and nothing to do with them.

This is a good time to do a brain dump and assess where your energy can be best used at this time.

Your cards: Six of Swords, Seven of Cups, and Seven of Pentacles

Work with this crystal: Seraphinite

Taurus April 20th through May 20th

Taurus – April 20th through May 20th

Oh Taurus, this is the end of an era for you! You have carried so much and may have been living in survival mode for some time but this is coming to an end. This is not something that happens by chance or even divine intervention, but something you’ve been working hard to overcome! Make sure you give yourself some credit here, you should be proud!

Use the energy of this full moon to help you further release the energy that has been weighing you down for so long. Write it down and burn the paper then watch the smoke carry these burdens away!

Your cards: Ten of Wands, The World, Queen of Cups

Work with this crystal: Malachite

Gemini - May 21st through June 20th

Gemini – May 21st through June 20th

Wow! Gemini, I love this for you! You have always been a kind and generous person but recently you have begun to be kind and generous with yourself as well and that is opening doors for you! Maybe you’ve even just started realizing you should be taking care of yourself a little better, no matter, those doors are open just the same even if you’ve got to walk down the path a bit longer before you can walk through them. How you treat others has not gone unappreciated even though it might seem that way.

Use the energy of this full moon to treat yourself to something special and allow yourself to daydream and visualize the many possibilities that lay ahead of you!

Your cards: King of Cups, Ace of Wands, and Ace of Pentacles

Work with this crystal: Green Aventurine

Cancer - June 21st through July 22nd

Cancer – June 21st through July 22nd

You may have been feeling a little defensive in regards to a relationship or possible work situation and with good reason! This experience has not only helped you to understand more about this situation, it’s teaching you about your own needs and necessary boundaries.

You don’t have to close your big, beautiful heart, just identify how you will allow yourself to be treated and enforce those boundaries without exception. Don’t let the little things slide because they will almost inevitably get bigger with time.

Your cards: Seven of Wands, The Moon, and Knight of Cups

Work with this crystal: Zebra Stone

Leo - July 23rd through August 22nd

Leo – July 23rd through August 22nd

Well, if things aren’t moving very fast for you right now, buckle up because they’re about to pick up some serious speed! While our impatient hearts might get easily caught up in a whirlwind of activity, it’s important to stay grounded and take your time to consider a thing before you react to it. I

f this involves another person, including a boss, let them know you will need a little time to work things out before giving an answer or taking on something new. Take your time now to avoid creating more problems or work for yourself later.

Your cards: Knight of Wands, Seven of Cups, and The Chariot

Work with this crystal: Fluorite

Virgo - August 23rd through September 22nd

Virgo – August 23rd through September 22nd

This is a time when creativity and magnetism are quite high for you! All sorts of thoughts and ideas are bouncing around in your brain and it could be a little overwhelming, possibly anxiety-inducing. Writing these things down will be immensely helpful at this time.

You would benefit at this time by doing a brain dump, a little planning, or watching a new story unfold as ink glides on paper. This is an excellent time for you to work on your manifestations, try journaling about your future as if it’s happening right now!

Your cards: The Empress, King of Swords, and Seven of Pentacles

Work with this crystal: Angelite

Libra - September 23rd through October 22nd

Libra – September 23rd through October 22nd

Dear Libra, we must all take breaks to replenish our energy, even when we’re having fun. It’s all too easy to lose ourselves in work or a new relationship so this is your cue to take a bit more of a balanced approach. Big change is in the wind and you will be able to navigate this change much easier if you’re grounded and taking care of yourself.

Use the energy of the full moon to dial up that self-care and prioritize your well-being.

Your cards: Four of Swords, The Fates (Wheel of Fortune), and Temperance

Work with this crystal: Amethyst

Scorpio - October 23rd through November 21st

Scorpio – October 23rd through November 21st

You are in need of a little time to rest and recuperate but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards just yet. This time is the ideal time for you to work on your vision, you have everything you need to make it happen and the universe is conspiring with you!

Use the energy of this full moon to reassess and recommit to the change you’re trying to call in. Once you’ve put that refreshed energy out there you will be able to rest a little easier. I imagine some of you might sleep like the dead for a day or two after!

Your cards: Four of Swords, King of Wands, and The Creatrix (The Magician)

Work with this crystal: Prehnite

Sagittarius - November 22nd through December 21st

Sagittarius – November 22nd through December 21st

The way you work with others or how you show up in the world is drawing attention. If this is a work thing, you may receive a promotion, a bonus, or a new offer altogether. If this is not a work thing then you are calling in a partner of sorts. This could be a romantic relationship but could easily be a friendship or possible new partnership on the career front.

Use this time to do some things to increase your confidence so you don’t run away when someone notices you 😂😂😂

Your cards: Two of Cups, King of Pentacles, and Six of Wands

Work with this crystal: Labradorite

Capricorn - December 22nd through January 19th

Capricorn – December 22nd through January 19th

Well, Cappy, all three of your cards were from the Major Arcana meaning this is HUGE energy! Take a deep breath or three, you are finally closing out a particularly long chapter of your life! Unfortunately, it can take a little more time for the new stuff to start trickling in, so you are likely in between chapters at the moment. I know you’ve probably been far more patient than most but a little more patience is yet needed.

Use this energy to help you purge the little bits, inside yourself and in your environment, that sometimes remain after such a big undertaking. This is a time to turn inward for reflection and replenishment.

Your cards: The World, Temperance, and The Hermit

Work with this crystal: Jade

Aquarius - January 20th through February 18th

Aquarius – January 20th through February 18th

Someone may be trying to involve you in their drama, don’t let them! It may seem like a small thing right now but it has the potential to become a big headache. I feel like you could use a little reminding that you can only help someone who wants to be helped. Even then, they might not want the right kind of help. Keep your well-intentioned nose in your own business.

Use the energy of this full moon to strengthen your boundaries and practice the word “no.” You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Your cards: Five of Wands, The Devil, and Seven of Swords

Work with this crystal: Rose Quartz

Pisces - February 19th through March 20th

Pisces – February 19th through March 20th

You’ve likely been anxious and probably not sleeping well, plagued by thoughts that are bigger than the troubles that created them. This is not to make light of your troubles, it can be easy for us to be overwhelmed enough to overlook the solutions, especially if the only thing that can help is our mindset. I think you are already starting to realize how much your perception colors your experience or maybe you only needed a reminder.

Beyond this obstacle is hope and bright new beginnings, but you are your own biggest obstacle at this time.

Your cards: Ten of Swords, Eight of Swords, and The Star

Work with this crystal: Moonstone

What I’ve written this past week

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Last updated August 10, 2022


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