Full Moon Tarotscope for January 2025
Hello Beautiful souls!!
We’ve got a full moon in Cancer coming up on the 13th of this month. This moon is known as the Full Wolf Moon.
Table of Contents
How to use moon phases
About this full moon
According to Cafe Astrology:
“This Full Moon is about balancing our commitment to our career and families. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them.”
Tarot-based guidance for your astrological sign. Make sure to check your sun, moon, and rising signs! *Crystal links will bring you to that item in my shop 🙂
I was called to use an Oracle deck today rather than Tarot. I don’t take photos for tarotscopes but if you’re curious, I’m using the For the Love of Dragons Oracle Deck and Book Set by Angi Sullins and Amy Brown

Aries – March 20th through April 19th
You don’t have to see something to know it’s there. Get out of your head and start feeling your way through your current circumstances, your gut will not lead you astray even if your brain is filled with doubt. “No” is often all the information you need to convey to others. It is a full sentence all by itself and the best way to start learning to set boundaries. It also gets easier to say every time you speak it!
Gratitude is another part of this message. I get it, you may be sick of hearing how important gratitude is but it can really make or break any situation! The more you find to be grateful for, the more you will call in even more to be grateful for. When practiced regularly, gratitude becomes a state of being. Be grateful now for the things you can’t see and possibly can’t detect right now. There is much happening that you can’t see yet but I know you know it’s there!
Your cards: The Key Holder, The Perceptionist
Work with this crystal: Moonstone

Taurus – April 20th through May 20th
“What can you give away that is an offering from your fullness rather than a sacrifice from your emptiness?”
Your story – that’s a gift that can bring so much to others who hear your tale! Your experience will be helpful beyond belief! It can inspire hope to those going through a hard time and lifts you in the retelling. These messages are for many people so your offer may vary but it holds the same energy.
This is also a time for you to make a wish and put your whole heart beneath it to propel it into the heavens! You’re a giver but you must also be open to receive. The energy of giving and receiving is one that is best when it flows both ways!
Your cards: The Giver, The Wish Maker, The Fairytale-ist
Work with this crystal: Angelite

Gemini – May 21st through June 20th
It is necessary for you now to examine the stories you tell yourself as well as the stories you hear and feel from others. How much of what you think and hear about you is actually true? Very little! It’s time to put some serious energy into cultivating your thoughts and not taking the words and actions of others as truth.
Practice affirmations and responding to your inner critic with healthier thoughts. These things actually help to forge new pathways in your brain!
Start this new cycle off by grounding yourself and creating! You don’t have to create a masterpiece, just let your energy flow and feel the response. Paint, sing, cook, write, or play! There are endless ways to use your creativity and infuse your creation with gratitude for what you have as well as what you are manifesting. Don’t forget to charge your crystals!
Your cards: The Crystal Guardian, The Artist, The Storyteller
Work with this crystal: Fluorite

Cancer – June 21st through July 22nd
You may not think much about using the energy of the moon but this is an important part of your message. The moon is responsible for ocean tides as well as stabilizing the Earth and its climate. Much of the animal kingdom lives, mates, and dies by the moon so it is only logical that it affects us as well.
Your message is a call to start connecting to the moon in a new way. Get out there and bathe in it even if only for a few minutes. Send it wishes and gratitude, ask it for help, and use the energy of this particular full moon to bolster those wishes as well as your courage and confidence!
There is a lot of emphasis on love here as well so frame your intentions around self-love, calling in healthy love, and enhancing the important relationships in your life.
Your cards: The Moon Dancer, The Brave, The Lovers
Work with this crystal: Selenite

Leo – July 23rd through August 22nd
“If you carry a big light, you’re going to cast a large shadow.”
This is a time to pay attention to the behaviors and parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable. The shadow is not some big demonic thing hiding in our hearts, it’s merely the parts of ourselves that need some light and love. Most of what exists in our shadow are wonderful parts of us that, at one time or another, were squelched by others. Our limitations also reside there, waiting to be accepted so we can work with or around them.
Use the energy of this full moon to help shine a light on some of those dark corners so you can release the habits and patterns that might be making life a little more difficult than it has to be. There is a big call for fire in your message and I’m feeling this in a literal way. Write down what you’d like to release, write a much-needed letter to someone – for your eyes only – and burn it, watching the smoke carry your intentions away. Bonus points if you (safely) make a big fire to watch or watch the flame of a candle for a while!
Your cards: The Shadow, The Fire Bearer
Work with this crystal: Citrine

Virgo – August 23rd through September 22nd
You’re a giver, but you’re not much of a receiver! Both energies should always be flowing to be in balance. Giving could be as “small” as a smile or as big as your trust – receiving is the same. You may have had to fend for yourself your entire life, unable to trust and share vulnerable aspects of yourself. This is the time to change that!
Whether you share yourself with someone close to you, possibly even a stranger, or decide to connect on a deeper level with your spirit team, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and ask for help is crucial at this time. No man is an island! I bet you know just how good it feels to give to another, don’t deprive others of that feeling just because it’s uncomfortable!
Your cards: The Tender, The Giver, The Confidant
Work with this crystal: Rose Quartz

Libra – September 23rd through October 22nd
You may find yourself in a situation or pattern you thought was far behind you. Don’t worry! You are not regressing! These things will come back around from time to time to enable you to reprocess them from your current point of view. Maybe you need to update how you react to and deal with them or maybe you just need a reminder of just how far you’ve come.
Don’t stress and get all up in your head about it, this particular ride requires you to feel your way through in a subtle way. Let your peace and hope be your guide and be kind to yourself!
Your cards: The Spiral, The Perceptionist
Work with this crystal: Green Aventurine

Scorpio – October 23rd through November 21st
This full moon may have you feeling quite feisty or irritable, the only difference between the two is often no more than perspective. You may need to have a difficult conversation with someone so it is good to remember that truth is often most helpful when it is delivered in a kind and compassionate way. That being said, no matter how it’s delivered, it is likely received with difficulty, if at all. How it’s received is not something you have control over so don’t try to keep pushing. Say what needs saying and move on.
Plan on doing what you can to bring a little more calm and peace to you at this time. Cancel unnecessary plans or create plans with someone who fills your cup. Make yourself cozy with a mug of hot chocolate, let your feels flow onto canvas or paper, or make yourself some comfort food. Sometimes tomorrow’s problems are best dealt with tomorrow.
Your cards: The Fire Bearer, The Dragon Sword, The Relaxor
Work with this crystal: Jade

Sagittarius – November 22nd through December 21st
Your message is all about creating or updating a space that is a sanctuary or sacred space for you. You need a place that invites peace when your day was anything but peaceful. A space where you can be just who you are without worrying that someone else will intrude. This is easier for some than others but important for all!
You may have a favorite place outside, a corner of the attic that you can make comfy, or maybe the bathroom has become the best place to get a break from the kids. Whatever you have to work with will be just fine!
Do what you can to make it as cozy as possible both physically and aesthetically – headphones, candles, incense, seasonal decorations, crystals, and even little trinkets that make you smile. Even more importantly, create a habit of going to this peaceful place even when you’re not feeling out of sorts to help you be less affected by difficult energies later.
Your cards: The Sanctuary, The Artist
Work with this crystal: Fluorite

Capricorn – December 22nd through January 19th
It is important to remember that you can’t fix people. Of course, you already know this but we can all use a reminder from time to time!
You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves and even if they do want to help themselves, they may not agree with you or may not be able to understand things from your perspective at this time. Plant your seeds, send up a wish or prayer, and let them walk their path.
It’s time to focus your energy on what needs “fixing” or understanding in your own life. Your example will show others what your words are unable to convey. Use this time to allow yourself to think about and wish for the things that you might almost be afraid to wish for. You’re capable of much more than you think you are!
Your cards: The Healer, The Wish Maker
Work with this crystal: Zebra Stone

Aquarius – January 20th through February 18th
You may find yourself being pulled in a new direction even though you’re not sure why or even what it is. It’s also possible that you’ve already begun following the pull. Either way, this is a time to feel your way through. Leave all the “what-ifs” and “shoulds” behind and follow the more subtle energy coming from anywhere but your overactive mind!
This is also a friendly reminder that doing something new, becoming someone new, and growing in any way is bound to make you feel awkward and unsure of yourself at first. A fledgling dragon does not automatically know how to achieve that graceful flight of its elders, it must stumble and fall a good many times before it starts to feel comfortable with its own abilities!
Your cards: The Perceptionist, The Dragon Sword, The Fledgling
Work with this crystal: Unakite

Pisces – February 19th through March 20th
This is a good time to examine the stories that you, and others, tell yourself about who you are, what you are, and what you’re capable of. I feel there is a “lack” mindset at play here. The longer you tell yourself you’re incapable of something, that you always have bad luck, or that you’re never going to get out of this hole you’re in, the longer you will stay in that energy.
This is the time to teach yourself to believe in both yourself as well as the abundance all around you and start looking for it in every dark corner! It’s there but you haven’t been looking for it! You’re too busy putting yourself down for what you don’t have to see that you have options…look up!!
Your cards: The Perceptionist, The Storyteller, The Sun Stormer
Work with this crystal: Clear Quartz
What I’ve written this past week
All free links, of course 🙂
- I’ve Missed Almost All My Goals since 2020
- The Bizarre Biology of the Echidna, Strange Nature #15
- Being Present vs Goals & Dreams ~ A Message From the Universe
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1 Comment
Can You Love Someone if You Can’t Love Yourself? · January 14, 2025 at 6:01 pm
[…] Full Moon Tarotscope for January 2025 […]