Full Moon Tarotscope, November 2022

The full moon is a time of release and the culmination of what was begun during the most recent new moon. This full Beaver moon in Taurus will be focusing particularly on routine, structure, and protection. Now is the time to solidify recent habits and release that which no longer serves you regarding habits and home.
This forecast covers the time period of November 8th, 2022 through December 6th, 2022. Time is fluid so If you’re seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.

Aries – March 21 – April 19
Your energy is a bit scattered at this time. You may find yourself feeling inspired, pessimistic, and returning to past pain all in the same breath. Be careful with your thoughts. Take notice of your negative thoughts so you can replace them with thoughts and feelings that are healthy and hopeful. You may also find yourself with many different ways to add something new and good to your life and feeling unable to decide which to choose or where to start. Whether you’re considering different streams of income or what you want for dinner, there is no wrong answer. Try flipping a coin or giving everything a number and rolling the dice. Once you finally pick something, you can then focus your effort on learning and manifesting this idea into reality.

Taurus – April 20 – May 20
You may be ignoring opportunities for love and/or fulfillment or you may be ignoring the need to release the thought patterns, habits, and behaviors that are blocking this love and fulfillment. Change is inevitable and can be quite difficult but you are making it harder than it needs to be. You are in the midst of closing out a particularly large cycle in your life so use this full moon’s energy to help with its release so you can welcome new and better things.

Gemini – May 21 – June 21
Just like the rest of us, how you grew up has a huge influence on your thoughts and beliefs surrounding money and security. Use this full moon to help you release these damaging beliefs that are keeping you from feeling secure. Abundance is not just money, it’s all the different resources available to you that help you feel secure. Release the idea that you are powerless in this respect. You have the ability to be resourceful and make things happen despite the odds but you won’t know it if you’re telling yourself that you can’t. Just because it’s not happening the way you expect, doesn’t mean that it’s not happening. Open yourself to all the ways that abundance and resourcefulness are available to you.

Cancer – June 22 – July 23
You may be holding on to something or someone a little too tightly. This causes you to speak and/or act out of fear. Loosen your grip and open yourself up to trust. Trust and believe that everything will work out just how it should. Be careful with your thoughts and words, and find ways to help remove yourself from the emotionality of this situation. Of course, you’re going to have all the feels but you want to be able to step back at times to see the whole picture and make good decisions. When your emotions are running this high, you’re advised to sleep on it or take some time to distract yourself and feel a bit better before addressing this issue.

Leo – July 24 – August 23
Something you thought was a lost cause is now available to you. Sometimes we just don’t have the knowledge or resources to make something happen when we try the first time. Once you’ve had a little more experience and “failure”, sometimes in seemingly unrelated areas, the opportunity to return to this thing and actually manifest it presents itself. Brace yourself, returning to whatever this is will make things move rather quickly. Use the energy of this full moon to help you tie up any loose ends so they’re not tugging at your brain while you’re trying to make this thing happen.

Virgo – August 24 – September 22
You may find yourself in friendly competition with others at this time. Competition is a good thing, lighting a little fire under our ass when needed, but be careful not to get so set on winning that you miss the point. Healthy competition often leads to collaboration, creativity, and new solutions. Just make sure to play nice and steer clear of petty squabbles.

Libra – September 23 – October 22
You’ve been through Hell and back and have the scars to prove it. You might even have some pretty fresh wounds that are in need of mending just as you might be a little hyper-vigilant in an attempt to protect the progress that you’ve made. Use the energy of this full moon to help release the demons that caused you to fight so hard. They have no place on this new path.

Scorpio – October 23 – November 22
You’ve put so much effort into cultivating the life you want and results have been so slow as to seem like they are at a stand-still. This is your reminder that good and sustainable take a long time. You are entering into a whole new life so use the energy of this full moon to officially release all the things you’ve recently removed from your life.

Sagittarius – November 23 – December 20
Real and full love is coming your way. Whether it’s plutonic or romantic, access to your soul tribe is becoming available to you now. This time is all about feeding your heart and soul with the connections that match your vibe. This is especially true for those of you who are polyamorous, these are lifetime connections and people who will bring out the best in you. Use the energy of this full moon to tie up any loose ends from people or circumstances you’ve removed from your life.

Capricorn – December 21 – January 20
You’ve been busy building the foundations of a new life and may be struggling a bit with faith and letting the old structures and beliefs pass away. You may be holding too tightly to resources or even a plan of action. Energy flows where pathways are open. You are reminded that things rarely, if ever, go according to plan. Make your plans but leave them open to the unexpected. Use the energy of this full moon to express your gratitude for all that was, is, and will be in your life.

Aquarius – January 21 – February 19
You are now beginning or soon will begin to see the fruits of your labor. You’ve worked hard and made this happen with what seems like no help. Remember that you did have help to keep you afloat as you were creating so diligently, even if that help was “just” encouragement or someone you could vent to. This goes a little extra for your furry friends. As you embark on this new chapter of your life, make sure to do and be all things with an attitude of gratitude.

Pisces – February 20 – March 20
Things might have been a bit difficult and/or overwhelming for you lately. You may have been suddenly forced into a new chapter of your life and may still be reeling a bit from the impact. Take your rest whenever you can and remember that strength isn’t necessarily a physical thing or the ability to overcome your obstacles. Strength is vulnerability and the ability to remain flexible so you can adapt to various situations. It is knowing when to push and when to cry off. It’s being brave enough to do the thing even though it scares the shit out of you, this includes all those uncomfortable emotions that we often try to block. Strength is not the absence of fear, it is making your moves despite the fear.
More on this Full Moon:
Alina Alive, Full Moon November 8th, 5 Things to Know (Youtube)