Full Moon Tarotscope, October 2021

Published by Trish Nonya on

This forecast covers the time period of October 20th through November 19th, 2021. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest. If you’d like a personal reading, you will find my links below 🙂

Aries – Use your passion, don’t let it use you!

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: This is a very creative and passionate time for you. You may have an abundance of ideas and might not be sure how to narrow it down. Don’t worry so much about deciding, this is a time to explore so let all your ideas have a little time in the light. Some will stick and some won’t but you won’t know until you’ve had a bit of time to play with them.
  • Money and Career: You may have had a difficult relationship with money in the past. You’re beginning to change this relationship but patience is needed. Don’t skip steps or skimp on quality, building empires takes time and intention.
  • Love: I’ve said that this is a passionate time for you. Make sure you don’t make choices in this area that you can’t take back. Specifically, making choices that might jeopardize something or someone important to you.

Taurus – Let your guard down a little!

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: There seems to be a bit of a theme developing, passion and creativity are the energies in play for you now. Use your creativity to solve problems and give an outlet to this energy. Creating is a big part of taking care of yourself.
  • Money and Career: You are the Queen of Pentacles here. Even when times are tough, you know how to work with what is available to you. You may be called upon to be creative in this area or you might just need to be reminded that you are abundant. You will always have what you need even when you are reluctant to see or acknowledge it. I do believe that this is a good cycle for money but you should remember that abundance is much more than what’s in your bank account.
  • Love: You might feel like you’re on the defensive when it comes to your heart. I would like to advise you to let down your guard a bit. Single or attached, nothing good comes from closing yourself off.

Gemini – Find a little balance in your emotions.

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: You’re emotions may be a little off balance at this time. You may cry or lose your temper easily or you might be avoiding feeling emotions that need to be released. Let it flow as it needs to, even if you feel like it’s too much. Letting your emotions flow (in a healthy way) will be cleansing and freeing.
  • Money and Career: Your emotions may be having an effect on your finances. You might want to see if you can finagle a couple of mental health days if at all possible. There’s nothing huge going on but a little time to cleanse and refresh yourself will be helpful at this time. Remember too, you can use your emotions to help fuel your projects or use your projects to distract you from your funk. Just make sure to allow time and compassion for your funk.
  • Love: If you are in a relationship, be careful not to let petty squabbles turn into big problems. Take time to think about your words and actions before they are said or done. If you are single, you might be in danger of judging a little too quickly. You will have a better time of it if you are in a better mood.

Cancer – You’ve been doing some big inner work!

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: You might have a lot going on with your overall mental, physical, and spiritual health but it’s all good! Take time to meditate and acknowledge all that is good in your life, you have many blessings!
  • Money and Career: You’re ignoring your intuition. If something doesn’t feel quite right, then it isn’t. If something feels great to you but you start worrying about how it will be perceived then you are doing yourself a disservice. Sometimes the things we think aren’t practical are the best things you can do for yourself.
  • Love: You may finally be moving away from a person or a thought/behavior pattern that is unhealthy for you. It’s not like you can flick a light switch and be done, it takes time and you will have days when you feel like you’ve made no progress or worse, fully regressed. Don’t worry, these things will reappear so you can deal with them differently than you used to. Trust the process and be compassionate with yourself!

Leo – 1 2 3 Go!

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: You might be dealing with burnout or emotional exhaustion. Give your mind, body , and spirit the time and care needed to refill your cup. Even the best of things can take a toll on our energy so take a break and consider how you might keep a more manageable pace going forward.
  • Money and Career: You’re holding so tightly to your finances or what you believe should be done to make said finances. Loosen up, the tighter your grip on what flows away from you, the harder it is to allow abundance to flow in.
  • Love: It’s time to leap!! no more thinking about what you’re going to say or do. Without risk, there is no reward so get to it!

Virgo – Patience grasshopper!

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: You may be tempted to rush a big decision or try to get everything done as fast as possible. Whatever it is you’re going towards will begin a new (big big) Karmic cycle for you. Understand that whatever the path you take, it will be just right for you. The key is to understand that the more you rush, the more likely you are to have to clean up unnecessary messes along the way. Slow and steady wins this race!
  • Money and Career: Looks like you’re excited about what’s to come and just plain ol’ sick of waiting for it. Make it a point to acknowledge and celebrate all the little steps and milestones to help give you a little perspective.
  • Love: Feeling like you’re on the defensive? Sometimes it helps to put your skepticism away and look at what is rather that what you think is going on behind the scenes. Sometimes that other person just doesn’t know either. Patience and compassion will help lovely things to grow here.

Libra – Some more radical acceptance…

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: It looks like you’ve been doing some of that radical acceptance and it’s working! You’ve placed yourself on an entirely new trajectory and though it’s happening, it’s a slow process. You might even feel stuck right now but this will allow you to gain a little more perspective so you can build a solid foundation.
  • Money and Career: Money and career are affected greatly by your new path so it may seem a little unstable at times. Understand that money is cyclical as well. It will ebb and flow with you so do what you can in this moment and understand that any difficulties you might have in this area are temporary. You just need a little adjustment period to move the water line.
  • Love: You’ve been through a lot in this area. I think you will find that those difficulties are in your past. The future of your relationships will be positively colored by what you’ve learned in the past. The sun shines bright on your horizon!

Scorpio – Energy drain and boundaries…

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: You may have been partying a little too much or you might have friends who are a drain on your energy. A little quiet time is necessary to see where this imbalance presents itself and devise boundaries to keep it in check.
  • Money and Career: You’ve been hard at work and it’s most likely not seen or recognized by anyone. You may even be trying to keep it under wraps until you’ve completed a particular project. Keep doing what you’re doing, even if it doesn’t seem to be seen or appreciated right now, your hard work will pay off!
  • Love: Your partner or interest may be someone you are cutting off or drawing boundaries with. Cut away but don’t do so haphazardly. Make sure your decisions are not made when emotions are high.

Sagittarius – Leveling up!

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: Don’t let your anxiety get the best of you! Those nasty little voices are lying to you. Your cup is overflowing but how can you really feel it and appreciate it if you’re waiting for something bad to happen?
  • Money and Career: Pay attention to your intuition. I know it’s hard to differentiate between that and anxiety but most of the time, anxiety grows because we’re ignoring what the intuition is trying to tell us. I think you’ve been pondering a new direction here but are overly anxious about the outcome. Time for a little moving and shaking!
  • Love: You have been working hard at understanding who you are in love and how you look for love so a shift in this realm should come as no surprise to you. You’ve stepped into a new way of creating bonds with others and can rest assured that though there will always be challenges, you won’t be returning to the kind of relationships you’ve come to expect. You’ve leveled up!

Capricorn – Remove “I can’t” from your vocabulary.

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: Previous experience has left you with a skewed belief system regarding money. You might think this belongs in the below section but “poverty mindedness” affects all areas of your life. The specific message for you is that “I can’t” is a curse. If you don’t believe you can do it then you’re certainly not going to try. If you do try, you give up too easily. Remove those words from your vocabulary.
  • Money and Career: Communication may be an issue right now. Take your time when you communicate with others and make sure you are being clear with what is being said. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you need clarity from someone else. Don’t let a rushed reply create problems where there were none to begin with. Make sure to go through written correspondence carefully to avoid misunderstanding.
  • Love: You may feel like you’ve got a lot on your plate overall and may not feel like you have the energy for love. You might need to do a little prioritizing or you might just need to practice loving and caring for yourself. Everything begins with you. When you care enough about your own well-being, then you will make better choices regarding those who are a part of your life. The better you are at caring for yourself, the better you will attract into your life.

Aquarius – Transitions are messy, you’re doing fine!

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: You may be wondering why past issues seem to be resurfacing, and you might notice that your reaction to these memories is different than how you used to react. You’ve already begun a new cycle in your life and the past issues are kind of like doing one last edit before sending that email.
  • Money and Career: Self doubt might be holding you back. You’re an expert at working with what is available to you but I think you need a bit of reminding once in awhile. You may feel like you’re missing some things that will get you to where you want to be but those things will come to you as you take care of the basics.
  • Love: Think carefully before you jump into a situation that you know is not good for you. Alternatively, You may be dealing with your own ego here, not feeling like you’re enough in some way. You should know that anybody you meet will also have flaws, that doesn’t make either of you unlovable. There are 7 billion people on this planet and I’m pretty sure that at least a few of them would fit nicely with who you are!

Pisces – Pay attention to the physical as well as your intuition.

  • Mind, Body, and Spirit: It looks like you’re mind is on practical things right now, specifically money, physical health, and general resources. If that’s not what’s been on your mind then it’s probably a good idea to come down to earth for a bit to make sure everything is in order.
  • Money and Career: You might be considering moving from being employed to doing your own thing. Pisces are known for their creativity and this is a big period of creation for you. It’s a good time to trim or remove unnecessary responsibilities and time-wasters in order to give more time and mental energy to what’s growing from your creative flow. Who knows, your creative pursuits may become financial opportunities.
  • Love: Use your intuition to navigate relationships and dating. You might not know what’s happening with that other person but you might feel that they need a little extra love and compassion at this time.


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Last updated August 10, 2022


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