Full Moon Tarotscope, October 2022

The full moon is a time of release and the culmination of what was begun during the most recent new moon. For bigger projects and ideas, this will be the time to begin your next step. This full Hunter’s moon in Aries will be focusing particularly on finding balance between your needs and the needs of others. Relationships of all kinds are this month’s focus as well as the physical body, leadership, and beginning new things.
This forecast covers the time period of October 9th, 2022 through November 7th, 2022. Time is fluid so If you’re seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.

Aries – March 21 – April 19
You’re beginning a new chapter in your life that may have come to you unexpectedly. It may be a particularly difficult transition because of the quickness with which it happened or is happening. Remember that all changes come with a transitional period where you learn and adjust. Square away whatever is not joining you in this new chapter then focus your attention and efforts on your next step. Be careful with your words and deeds. Truth and boundary-setting can be difficult for all involved so be kind and don’t make any decisions when emotions are high.

Taurus – April 20 – May 20
Past events and behaviors might seem at times like an anchor that keeps you from moving into a more pleasant space, this may seem especially so where money and resources are concerned. Use the energy of this moon to help you put the past to bed and step into a brighter future. There is no more room for blame or self-pity, and you have more control over your circumstances than you think. Adjusting your mindset and setting boundaries will be most helpful at this time.

Gemini – May 21 – June 21
You are great at making the best of a bad situation but did you know that this extends to your ideas and ability to create money and resources for yourself? You might be spinning your wheels trying to do what you think you should” do while not taking your own ideas seriously. Even if you work towards your ideas a bit at a time, you will want to kick yourself for not going this route a little sooner. Victory is in the cards for you but only if you let yourself believe it’s possible.

Cancer – June 22 – July 23
Dearest Cancer, you have the biggest heart! Unfortunately, you also have a tendency to overthink things and give far too much to those who do not treat you the way you should be treated. Your generousness and kindness are wonderful so this month, you should focus on cutting ties with the users, setting boundaries for yourself regarding what treatment is acceptable from others, and turning that big ol’ heart towards yourself. Once you start to get a handle on that then you will start to see a beautiful new chapter on the horizon!

Leo – July 24 – August 23
You’ve been observing or studying something to make sure you know all the things before you make your moves. It’s time to wrap it up. Much of what you’ll need to know for this journey will only come through experience. You’ll have to make some mistakes to find out what works best for you. It is time now to pull up your chin, throw out your arms, and meet the new with confidence and gratitude.

Virgo – August 24 – September 22
You may be, or will soon be, considering walking away from a person or situation that is unhealthy for you. You might have been dragging your feet on making this decision or following through with action. Someone reading this was recently told that they were being ridiculous in regard to their requests for better treatment. We call that “gaslighting.” You’re not being ridiculous or overdramatic, it’s time to go. Once that person or circumstance is put behind you then you will find yourself attracting so much better into your life!

Libra – September 23 – October 22
You may have been trying to do or learn something and it seems that progress is awfully slow or even stuck. It’s time to bring in an extra person or two. It may be that a teacher or a small group of people who are working towards the same thing will be helpful at this time. Someone else’s perspective is not only helpful but necessary to help you get past your perfectionist tendencies.

Scorpio – October 23 – November 22
There are two very distinct messages for you. The first message want’s to tell you that if you’re suspecting shady behavior from someone close to you, you’re not crazy, and you don’t need proof because how that person is making you feel is all the information you need. The second message is for those of you who feel like you’re walking on eggshells, trying to minimize yourself to avoid setting off someone’s temper. In both cases, you are advised to work on your exit strategy. You have everything you need to create a life that’s so much happier!

Sagittarius – November 23 – December 20
Recent events or newly surfacing emotions from the past have left you with a broken heart. You might be tempted to distract yourself from these feelings or drown them in your drink or drug of choice, but you already know that this won’t be helpful. You need real rest and reflection. This broken heart has something to teach you about who you are and what you need to feel whole and healthy. You are whole, now you just need to see it.

Capricorn – December 21 – January 20
You may be feeling some kind of way about your general situation, bored, apathetic, frustrated, and easily irritated. All sorts of good things are waiting for you on the other side of this mindset. It’s time to shake things up a bit for a nice refresh or reset. Do something fun or exciting, and let your inner child out to play! If you are able, this is the ideal time to travel or move to a new area. If you’re debating on whether or not to make a risky move, then this is your chance to make it happen! All good things come with risk.

Aquarius – January 21 – February 19
There is opportunity available to you but you must actually grab that opportunity and get to work. Opportunity is like a seed; you must not only take care of it, but you must also make sure you don’t overwork it. Give those roots some time to take hold and use your physical and other senses to get a grasp on the work/rest balance that will help it to grow best.

Pisces – February 20 – March 20
This is such a good time for you! The things that fill your cup are all around you at this time so do everything you can in order to be present for this moment and cultivate a mindset of gratitude. I believe that you are already doing this but I want you to kick it up a few notches! Gratitude and a loving heart will attract even more to be grateful for.