June 2023 Full Moon Tarotscope

The June 2023 Full Moon in Sagittarius is called the Strawberry Moon. A full moon, along with a few days before and after, is the best time for releasing that which no longer serves you and gives a powerful boost to anything you’ve been working on. This Full Moon in Sagittarius brings “The Big Picture” into focus, helping you to zoom out to see things as a whole instead of being bogged down by all the tiny details. Being detailed is necessary but so is taking a step back to see how well it all fits together. If you’d like to know more about this full moon and get a few ideas for journal prompts, check out Full Moon June 3rd/4th – 5 Things to Know, By Alina Alive on YouTube.
This forecast covers the time period of June 3rd, 2023 through July 2nd, 2023. Time and energy are fluid so if you’re seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.

Aries, March 21 – April 19
There is a big potential for meeting someone new or deepening your connection with somebody significant in your life. This person could be romantic, plutonic, or business-related and there is a message here regarding balance. While you may find inspiration in this connection, make sure you’re not so entrenched that you don’t put that inspiration to good use. Not giving each other necessary alone time can be damaging to both the relationship and the everyday responsibilities that need your attention. Use the energy of this full moon to review priorities and rearrange things so they’re more manageable for you at this time.

Taurus, April 20 – May 20
When you’ve put so much blood, sweat, tears, and time into something, it’s only natural for you to try to protect it and keep it to yourself. However, some things are not meant to be kept in the dark. It’s fine to catch up and/or rest up for a little while but it’s time to release this thing and let the world, or the people in your own little world, see what it is that you’ve been guarding so dearly. Your ability to put it out there will be very helpful to others, multiplying its value in you own heart.

Gemini, May 21 – June 21
You’ve put a lot of hard work into healing from some pretty big emotional wounds and traumas that may have been created in childhood or in your 20s. If you’re wondering why certain habits, behaviors, and flashbacks still occur, do not worry, you’ve done far better than you think! It took a long time to form these trauma responses so it will take some more time for the effects to show. Use the energy of this full moon to burn the material things, including journal entries and pictures that are tied to this trauma to aid in its release.

Cancer, June 22 – July 23
Though it seems like things have been moving super fast, even chaotically, the good results don’t seem to be moving at the same pace. You’re doing everything right, with the exception of one thing. You don’t believe in yourself or your ability to make it happen. Your hope and belief are the key to everything you want. That’s not to say that you can make your doubt disappear, never to be heard from again, you have to learn how to catch your thoughts in the moment and remind yourself it’s just your fear talking. Although learning to replace your thoughts is a long game, your intentions and practice will speed things up on the material realm.

Leo, July 24 – August 23
You might be feeling somewhat stuck in several areas of life at this time. Nothing seems to be changing and, in truth, there isn’t a lot of movement behind the scenes either. Do not take this as a bad thing, even if your situation is incredibly difficult. This is the time to tighten things up a bit to prepare for when things start to move again because they will move rather quickly. Use the energy of this move to clear out what isn’t helpful at this time and aim to see things in a different light. You are not stuck, you are preparing for the next leg of your journey.

Virgo, August 24 – September 22
You might be wishing that some things were what they used to be, days, people, and situations seemed so much less complicated. Well, hindsight is not 20/20 like we tend to think it is. Memories change over time. We keep the bits that make us feel how we want to feel about it, positive or negative, and the rest fades away. Even if your memories are exactly what you think they are, they are not templates for the future or even the present. You’re a different person now with so many options available to you! It’s time to set out on new expeditions and create new traditions and memories.

Libra, September 23 – October 22
This is the perfect time to remind you that slow and steady wins the race. You are building a firm foundation for the life you are creating and moving fast often misses important details. Keep a steady pace so you don’t have to rebuild yet again. I strongly recommend that you try to create a habit of meditating to help you distinguish between anxiety and intuition. Start with just 5 minutes and attach it to an existing habit like right after a shower or while you’re having your first cup of good stuff in the morning.

Scorpio, October 23 – November 22
While you’re hustling and grinding, make sure that you pay attention to your processes, priorities, and scheduling. You’re trying to make sustainable moves so don’t set a pace that you won’t be able to keep up with in the long term. There is usually a need to put in a lot of time and effort in the beginning in order to make less work for yourself in the future, just make sure to reevaluate and make small adjustments frequently, and write down your processes as well so you have to think a little less as you find your zone.

Sagittarius, November 23 – December 20
It looks like your heart, creativity, and passion are just about exploding at this time! Allow yourself to feel all the things but make sure you don’t make any decisions or make any moves while you’re so amped up. A promise or offer made with good intentions during a time of high emotion is likely to be broken. Wisdom is giving yourself time to feel all the things and then time to calmly contemplate before any actions are taken or any words are said.

Capricorn, December 21 – January 20
Beware of self-sabotage! When things seem to be going well for us, we have a tendency to anticipate the thing that will ruin it all. This is another case of past experience trying to inform current and future experiences. You might still be you but you are so different from the you that you remember. You now have better judgement and attract so much better into your life. Beautiful things are happening so enjoy every little bit!

Aquarius, January 21 – February 19
You may be full to bursting with great ideas and plans. While this is a wonderful thing, even if a bit manic, it can be quite overwhelming. Keep a notebook handy, real or digital, so you can get it out of your brain as soon as the thought occurs to you. I’ve learned to prioritize and organize my thoughts and notes in much the same way as I would a room or projects at work. I have a pen and paper by me at all times. I might pick out some high-priority, immediate, or quick tasks right away and add them to the task list on my phone. Then, about once a month, I’ll log my notes and split them between 2 other places. The first is for the things I would like to implement soon and the second is for the “back-burner” stuff. I can then move something from the back-burner stuff to a higher priority list when I’m ready.

Pisces, February 20 – March 20
If you’ve been really wanting to do something but are worried about the potential “bad” side effects then this is your sign. Don’t overthink it. A leap of faith will set you on a path you couldn’t have dreamed of! Obviously, I’m not telling you to jump into something you know is a bad situation. This is something you feel is right but outside influences or past experiences might have you doubting your intuition. Dive in, ride that wave, and don’t look back!