June 2023 New Moon Tarotscope

The June 2023 New Moon is the opportune time to reflect on the past month so you can adjust and set intentions for the month to come. For more information on this New Moon as well as a few journal prompts, check out the “New Moon June 17th/18th – 5 Things to Know” YouTube video by Alina Alive.
This forecast covers the time period of June 18th, 2023 through July 16th, 2023. Time and energy are fluid so if you’re seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.

Aries, March 21 – April 19
You may have been having a hard time shaking something off that you thought you should be over by now. There is even a chance that you may not quite know what it is that keeps making you feel some kind of way in odd moments. There is also a chance that it may be hindering your manifestations. Not to worry! Sometimes there are bits and pieces left from things we’ve healed that can be cleaned up with a bit of visualization. It will also be helpful at this time to create. Draw, write, or build a castle with Legos, whatever gives you a place to channel your energy.

Taurus, April 20 – May 20
You may have made some recent changes that seem to have put you on the defense with others. While you might need to protect your boundaries, do not feel as if you have to defend your actions from anybody. Those who care for you will come around and those who don’t will fall away. This is a big and beautiful change for you, even if you’re still a little unsure. Do not let the opinion of others make you question yourself. They do not walk in your shoes.

Gemini, May 21 – June 21
You may have made some recent changes that have put you in an uncomfortable position. Even so, you knew there would be discomfort and difficulty, just maybe not so much of it. You’ve broken a financial cycle that, though needed breaking but are feeling like you may have made it worse. You haven’t though, it just takes time to build anything sustainable. You made the right choice, just keep your eye on the prize!

Cancer, June 22 – July 23
Someone did you dirty and yes, life is often unfair. It’s perfectly normal and fine to grieve and/or be quite upset at this time but make sure you don’t stay there. Your cards are advising you not to close yourself away. It will be most helpful for you to be around others at this time so you can blow off a little steam and remember that there is good happening even when other things suck.

Leo, July 24 – August 23
You have been working and learning like mad lately, trying to make things happen in a new home, workplace, or general situation. Keep up the good work but make sure to step away regularly so you can look at the big picture and make sure the structure is sound. You are becoming a master in your field so make sure you also take a little time now and then to take pride in what you’ve accomplished, both big and small!

Virgo, August 24 – September 22
Your anxiety might have been a little high lately. You’re carrying all the things, doing all the things, and worrying about all the things but you have much more of a choice in these matters than you think. The phrase “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself” is not and never was a healthy approach to anything. Give some more responsibility to those around you and let them make mistakes for how else will they learn? You make mistakes too, ya know, so try to work on patience and compassion for others as well as yourself.

Libra, September 23 – October 22
You may have been overdoing it a little much recently, burning the candle at both ends and not giving yourself any real downtime. And no, socializing is not considered downtime in this case, your body needs rest! No amount of work or play is going to bring the thing you want any faster right now. There is an element of divine timing and things that are beyond your control. Try to slow down a bit đ

Scorpio, October 23 – November 22
You may be quite frustrated with your finances or other material resources at this time, possibly a whole lifetime of feeling like there’s just never enough. However you grew up, whoever took care of you, you have beliefs about things like money and time that are keeping you from seeing and feeling the abundance all around and within you. Changing these kinds of beliefs isn’t easy but you absolutely can do it! Practice gratitude, really try to feel it as often as possible. It may take a little time to become a habit but I’m sure you will notice improvements in very little time. Doors open for those who walk with light in their heart!

Sagittarius, November 23 – December 20
If you’re feeling like someone around you is being sketchy, you’re not crazy, even if they do make you feel that way. All too often we try to brush these feelings off, thinking that we need some kind of proof to be able to act. Your gut is all the proof you need. If someone makes you uncomfortable or like your feelings aren’t important or real then you need to listen to that feeling. Cut a mofo off and don’t look back! You’ll feel so much better when it’s done!

Capricorn, December 21 – January 20
You may be trying to juggle a lot right now on all fronts and it’s time to do a little mental cleanup. Write down all the things you’re doing and thinking so you can prioritize and see a little easier that which can be removed from your plate or even fit in a different time slot. This is a good time to consider batching some of your tasks. For example, pick a few times a day to read and respond to emails instead of trying to respond every time you get a notification or get all your prep work out of the way first thing so your work can flow a little smoother. Make sure to delegate to others whenever possible as well.

Aquarius, January 21 – February 19
Your logical and emotional selves may be a little at odds right now. You might have to choose between responsibility and some much-needed time away from that responsibility. While you don’t want to neglect your responsibilities, you may be having a hard time keeping your focus. How about a little compromise? Go screw off for a bit but make sure to give yourself a time and energy limit. That way you can give your full attention to your tasks when you come back to them.

Pisces, February 20 – March 20
Even the best of things can cause disruption and discomfort, especially when they are so new to you! All the good stuff might be coming at you all at once, feeling more like problems than solutions and blessings but I promise they’re HUGE blessings and exactly what you’ve been working towards. They’re just in their raw form right now and there’s a pretty big learning curve here for you. You’ll be not only comfortable but ecstatic about this shift before long!