Money Matters, Synchronicity, and Perspective
Making the best of difficult times.

So, many of you know that I’ve been writing on a platform called Medium. I was making a little money on the platform but earnings have recently tanked. A synchronicity came to me this morning that delivered a very clear message, not just for the writers on that platform but for any of you who have been struggling with money. I needed this message to speak directly to both you and the Medium community.
I woke up this morning with a chip on my shoulder; it’s becoming more and more frequent these days. Remembering that I had to write today’s Strange Nature article tasted bitter. I haven’t even made six dollars this month on the platform for which I created that series.
My experience on this platform regarding financial gain.
I was never a big earner on this platform, but my earnings increased little by little each month until last summer. As my stats slowly grew, my earnings rapidly decreased.
Make no mistake — I am on this platform for the money. I already write on my website for free. The community I’ve found on this platform is a lovely side effect but I have to be wise about how I spend my limited time.
That being said, my earnings from this platform are only part of the financial equation. As someone who struggles with advertising and engaging with others in general, it’s probably a good idea for me to stick around.
That doesn’t get rid of that chip on my shoulder though.
It occurred to me that my recent experience with this platform is only a part of my problem. It also made me realize that some of my Messages From the Universe may be easily misunderstood by those who are going through financial difficulties.
I want to make it clear that we, in the US and many other parts of the world, are living in a time when our economy (and so much more!) is only good for those who already have everything they need and desire. It is only getting more difficult for the rest of us to live. Wages stay the same but everything we need to live continues to increase in cost.
It will get worse before it gets better.
We’ve got to do what we can to keep ourselves afloat. Just as importantly, we’ve got to seek out and hold onto the little things that inspire us to keep moving because giving up will only make things worse.
That last bit is generalized, of course. You may rightfully decide to stop putting effort into certain things like writing on this platform. The important part is that you don’t allow yourself to drown because the current isn’t taking you where you need to go.
We are not being tested. We are in a shitty situation and want to do what we can to make sure we’re still afloat when the tides turn for the better. And they will! Everything is temporary, even the awful economic state of so much of the world.
I decided to write this today because I wanted to share a little synchronicity that I couldn’t ignore.

I asked my tarot cards for guidance about this platform a few days ago. It was a very clear message that said I wasn’t giving the situation enough time. I was told not to give up.
I’m naturally skeptical of even my own experiences but I have learned not to ignore them completely. I decided to give this platform another month or two to recover before making the decision to stay or go. That didn’t stop me from feeling the futility of it all each day as I prepared to spend some time on it.
Well, I fired up my laptop to grudgingly write today’s Strange Nature article and began, as usual, with twenty minutes of typing practice. This is the very first quote I was given to practice with:
“You never know beforehand what people are capable of, you have to wait, give it time, it’s time that rules, time is our gambling partner on the other side of the table and it holds all the cards of the deck in its hand, we have to guess the winning cards of life, our lives.”
Blindness — José Saramago
I don’t know what you think about that but that was a huge synchronicity in my eyes with a ridiculously clear message. This message may have been regarding my time on this platform but it rang true for all the things I spoke about above and for more than just me.
I want to give you hope but not skewed expectations — it’s a fine line, isn’t it?
I don’t want you to expect the worst either because that can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. I want you to accept and understand the difficulties you are facing so you can make the best of it. Sometimes making the best of it is little more than head games but those head games can make a world of difference!
I hope that this ramble might have helped you to gain a little perspective, especially those of you who might be blaming yourselves for something you have so little control over. Who knows what tomorrow may bring but let us face it with hope and resilience!
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