New Moon Tarotscope, March 2023

The New Moon is the opportune time to reflect on the past month so you can adjust and set intentions for the month to come. Today, March 20th, is the Spring Equinox for those of us in the northern hemisphere adding more vitality and marking the true New Year, not only astrologically, but for the entire natural world around us in the north. For more information on this New Moon and Spring Equinox, check out This Video.
This forecast covers the time period of March 20th, 2023 through April 19th, 2023. Time is fluid so If you’re seeing this at a later date then it will still apply. This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.

Aries, March 21 – April 19
Happy birthday Aries! Not only have you made it through another trip around the sun, your cards indicate a shedding of some pretty difficult times. Set your intention on releasing those past troubles and visualizing the new life you are creating for yourself. This is a very prosperous and creative time for you so enjoy!

Taurus, April 20 – May 20
You have been going through it! You fought hard to get through and will continue to protect whatever you’ve been fighting for. You’re not out of it just yet but you’ve made a LOT of progress! Hang in there, keep your feet on the ground and your eye on the prize. Use this energy to review what has and hasn’t worked for you over the past month or more and set some goals for the months ahead, you should start to see a shift around your birthday. Make sure your goals are actions that you have control over rather than the end results such as an amount of money or statistics.

Gemini, May 21 – June 21
You may have been spending a little too much time and energy on a new person or generally having a good time. While I believe we need fun and other people, we need to balance these things with our health and responsibilities. Set your intentions on finding a healthy balance and remember, you ca have too much of even the good things đ

Cancer, June 22 – July 23
Dear Cancer, it’s time to come out of hermit mode! Even if you’re a little reluctant, you know it’s necessary and you know how much better you will feel once you get moving. Set your intentions on making that thing happen that’s been rolling around your brain for the past few months. No more procrastinating!

Leo, July 24 – August 23
It’s likely that you will be spending time with someone new or breathing new life into a current relationship or project. There’s a lot of passion and heart-space energy in your cards. Just try to come up for air sometimes and don’t lose YOU as you join with this energy. Set your intentions on making sure that you take care of yourself.

Virgo, August 24 – September 22
You may be feeling down on your luck at this time but that’s an illusion most likely brought on by your fears and insecurities. There’s a whole bunch of loveliness waiting for you to stop focusing on all the things that have or can go wrong. Set your intentions on some kind of self-talk or affirmation practice. Your brain will believe what you tell it, so stop telling it horror stories đ

Libra, September 23 – October 22
Dearest Libra, you may be having some issues regarding being stuck in a relationship or circumstance that isn’t quite right for you. It’s time to make that decision and take action. If this is an on-and-off thing then do not wait for them to make that decision for you because chances are that they will be just fine with things as they are while you feel like you’re stuck in limbo. If you make the decision yourself this will provide the closure you need.

Scorpio, October 23 – November 22
Do not let other people or their opinions make your choices for you. Even the most well-meaning people can give bad advice or make you doubt yourself. You know in your gut what is right and good so don’t let others or even your own brain cloud your judgment. Set your intentions on creating a space and routine around some sort of meditation to help you learn to quiet the constant chatter in your brain.

Sagittarius, November 23 – December 20
Unless you’re playing a game, there is no room for competition or drama. You don’t have to participate so don’t spend even a tiny amount of energy on the people creating the drama. Keep your focus forward and you’ll be rewarded with much better than what’s going on right now. Set your intentions on telling people that you’re not interested in discussing or participating in a particular topic or outing.

Capricorn, December 21 – January 20
Something you’ve been visualizing and working on might seem very far out of reach. It’s not going to happen tomorrow or maybe even next week but your determination will make all the difference in whether your visualizations come through or not. Do not give up! Set your intentions on cleaning up your process a bit and finding all the “little” things that mark your progression. Make a big deal out of your progress to help you keep swimming đ

Aquarius, January 21 – February 19
This is a good time to examine your relationship with practicality and how you spend or save your resources. Sometimes what we think is practical is full of limitations; add in some behaviors tied to previous beliefs or experiences and you’ve got a recipe for persistent imbalance. This is not one of those things you can work on and make it go away, you’ll have to revisit and re-examine periodically. The term “You have to spend money to make money” means quite a bit more when we’re thinking about currency as an exchange of energy. You could be on either side of the spending spectrum so make sure you’re not spending to self-medicate and you’re not pinching your pennies too tightly. As with all things, balance is key!

Pisces, February 20 – March 20
You might be in a relationship or circumstance that brings unnecessary drama to your daily life. It’s time t examine this relationship and lay down some ground rules or possibly consider moving on. There is an element of truth here as well so someone may be dishonest with you or you might need to tell them your truth. Set your intentions on making choices with your long-term peace and happiness in mind.