A Message from the Universe ~ Do You Believe in Magic?

Today’s Message from the Universe invites you to look for the magic within and all around you.
Your thoughts and words have power. It’s plain to see how they can affect how you feel about yourself and the world around you. Everything starts with you. What you think, feel, and believe has a direct influence on how you behave and carry yourself. Good things won’t happen if you don’t think they will, you won’t even know how to look for them.
Every dream come true was first a thought, then a belief in one’s ability to make it happen. You’re not going to put the work in if you don’t even believe in its possibility.
The moon is almost full so this is a good time to reflect on what has passed, what needs to pass, and what you want to create in your life. Break out your journal, put your crystals out to charge, and/or make yourself a prosperity jar (video below). You might check out rituals that others have created or create one in your own way.
It doesn’t matter what or how you do it as long as it’s loaded with your focused intentions. It is also extremely helpful to experience the feelings you will have when your dream comes true, I find that music is a great way to help get you there.
Today’s Crystals:
Today’s Deck: