A Message from the Universe ~ Giving and Receiving
Today’s Message from the Universe reminds you that receiving is just as important as giving.
This was always a difficult one for me as well. We start to learn pretty early that there is shame in receiving or asking for help. It’s expected, especially in adulthood, that we should be able to take care of ourselves without any help.
Not only is that thought unrealistic during difficult times, it’s quite damaging. We create communities because everybody has different things to offer. We are supposed to work together and support each other.
When you refuse help or refuse to ask for help, you are only setting yourself up for increasing difficulty. It’s the difference between needing a shoulder to cry on and finding yourself at the bottom of a big, black, pit.
Whatever it is you need a little help with, please ask for it! You will one day be able to return the “favor” even if it’s in an entirely different way. As a matter of fact, it will almost certainly be a different kind of help than you received because you have different things to offer.
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