A Message from the Universe ~ Step Back and Refocus

Today’s Message from the Universe comes with a little story and it goes a little something like this:
- 8 of Pentacles – I’ve been working my butt off!
- 5 of Pentacles – Oh man, I’m so broke, is this ever going to get better?
- 6 of Pentacles – Help is given or received, yay!
Now for the Knave up there, better known as the Page of Swords. This is a card of curiosity and meaningful communication. It is a person who has stepped away from their hard work in order to let it develop while they observe to see what needs tweaking and seek out ways to improve their flow. T
his is a good time to begin advertising, or telling a person and/or people what’s going on.
You can’t make the thing happen if you hide it away. Share with others to not only show them what you’re doing; share also to see if others have pointers or might possibly help you network.
On a final note, be careful of overworking your project or friends 🙂
Today’s Crystals
Today’s Deck:
Today’s Song:
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