A Message from the Universe ~ The Void and Self-Realization
Today’s Message from the Universe invites you to see more than darkness in the void.
Not gonna lie, it’s difficult for me too. Oddly enough, this void is where both heartbreak and possibility reside. We try to fill this void with anything we can instead of using it to heal ourselves. And why not? Our traumas and conditioning live there and even just dipping a toe in threatens to crush us with the sorrow we are trying to avoid.
You might even feel like you’ll never come back if you open to it even just a little, but I promise you will! This is the space where real healing is attainable.
Let’s do a meditation challenge! Pick a time of the day when you are most likely to have a few minutes to yourself and commit to five minutes of stillness and deep breathing. It will be easier to do if you add it to another habit that you do every day.
Focus on your breathing and when thoughts pop up, acknowledge them without judgement then bring your attention back to listening and feeling your breath.