A Message from the Universe ~ Vibe Higher than Them

Today’s Message from the Universe advises you to reflect on how much you’re contributing to the drama and chaos that surrounds you.
It’s easy to get pulled into these chaotic energies. Watch how you talk about others, even if you think they deserve it. Your thoughts, words, and actions have real-life consequences. Don’t let others pull you into their gossip.
Try to throw some good vibes and blessings towards the subject of your irritation instead.
Ultimately, you’ve been trying to close out a particularly painful or difficult cycle but, in order to do so, you will need to leave your grudges, tendencies to gossip, and harmful thoughts behind. This includes the way you talk to and treat yourself.
Good things are trying to come to you but you will need to vibe higher in order to see them. Fill every moment with as much love, compassion, and gratitude as you can muster, and feel all the old patterns drift away as you rise.