A Message from the Universe – Two of Pentacles
![A Message from the Universe - Two of Pentacles](https://i0.wp.com/halfcrackedguru.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/A-Message-from-the-Universe-Two-of-Pentacles.jpg?resize=230%2C384&ssl=1)
Your daily routine can have a large impact on your state of mind.
You might find yourself scrambling to get everything done or always late, you might have chunks of time where you just don’t know what to do with yourself. Maybe there’s so much you’d like or need to do that you have no idea where to start. All of it creates unnecessary stress.
Now I know that not everybody is a fan of lists, I certainly wasn’t until I was in a position where there were always impossible deadlines and endless backburner projects. Prioritization and scheduling took on a whole new level of importance and became a tool that I now use in both my personal and professional life.
Now that I’ve started a home-based business this is a skill that puts my downtime in perspective and helps me to manage my creative projects as well. I’m still struggling with the lack of structure that exists when you work for somebody else, and now I have a career that’s still early in its development stages so a lot of my time is spent researching and exploring what I’d like to add to the mix. It’s far too easy to procrastinate and downtime just feels wrong.
So how do you structure your day to improve your flow?
Write it all down. Everything you do, everything you need to do, everything you want to do, put it all under headings of needs and wants then break it down into daily, weekly, monthly, and “back burner.”
When you put it on paper it’s no longer floating around in your head so you can see it from a different perspective. You’ll be able to see what needs to be trimmed away and you might even see where you can combine things so you’re not repeating the same steps for several different tasks.
Keep an eye out for the responsibilities you take on that belong to or can be delegated to others, and don’t forget to schedule a time when you don’t have anything to do but what makes you happy or gives you peace.
Today’s Deck:
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Misty · September 8, 2020 at 12:42 pm
Perfect timing! I was JUST thinking that I need to move the stress of thinking about what needs to be done, to lists. I was feeling resistance to it. But I’m going to take your message of the day as a confirmation to just do it. 🙂 Thanks
Trish Nonya · September 8, 2020 at 12:44 pm
Working with you taught me these skills lol. Do it up my friend 🙂