A Message from the Universe – 9 of Swords (reversed)

A Message from the Universe – Today’s daily card suggests some of you are trying to ignore your worries and some of you are working through them. You don’t need me to tell you which is more beneficial but you may need a reminder.
Pretending as if you’re ok, does not make it so and ignoring it only makes it scream louder in an effort to be heard and acknowledged. Things are changing in a very fundamental way whether you acknowledge it or not and you can get caught with your pants down or you can make an attempt to understand what’s happening and figure out how best to adapt to it as it develops.
We, all of us in our individual ways, are experiencing the beginning of a massive shift in both the physical and metaphysical. Everything runs in cycles, that includes civilizations and societies. We probably won’t experience a zombie apocalypse but when we return to normal it will be a different normal.
As we figure out how to operate in our current state of sickness, isolation, and recovery, I urge you to think about what you would like the new normal to be. We do not want to bring the stress of our daily grind into the future. Let’s bring everyday peace back with a good dollop of true prosperity.