New Moon & New Year Tarotscope for December 2024 with Updates
Hello Beautiful souls!!
Before we get into it I wanted to share some updates with you regarding what I post and how often. It’s only recently that I added a second Message From the Universe to my weekly schedule. I wanted to give my paying subscribers something extra but it’s been a little too much for me.
For this reason, I am going back to posting one message a week, on Sundays. I will continue to share random reposts of these messages on Facebook every day and I will continue to share my newsletter once a week although I may still tweak what day of the week it’s published.
That being said, I want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas, or any other holiday you may be celebrating, and a New Year filled with laughter and prosperity!
Table of Contents
About this new moon
New moons are for planning and starting anything new so I love that this new moon is so close to the new year! I encourage you to think carefully about what you’d like the coming year to look like for you.
Don’t get lured into making a New Year’s resolution that doesn’t resonate with you or goals that you have no control over. Try to create actionable goals that contribute to filling your cup, things you can do that will nurture all the most important areas of your life.
According to Cafe Astrology:
The New Moon is exact on December 30th when the Sun and Moon align in the sign of Capricorn. This lunation symbolizes a new beginning in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. It’s a time during which we can focus on some of the constructive traits of the sign of the Goat–tenacious, resourceful, disciplined, wise, ambitious, prudent, constant–and consider how to positively incorporate these qualities into our lives.
Now, we can focus on practical and attainable long-term goals, work on developing maturity and common sense, prepare for the future, make commitments and recognize responsibilities, and nurture our dreams in a realistic manner.
Tarot-based guidance for your astrological sign. Make sure to check your sun, moon, and rising signs! *Crystal links will bring you to that item in my shop 🙂

Aries – March 20th through April 19th
This is the year to start or revamp your own business or side hustle. If that’s not something you will be doing this year then the following advice will still apply.
Building a stable foundation takes time even when the economy is good and it’s been awful since the pandemic hit. Don’t let that discourage you from building though! Do a little research on things like grants or other assistance that may be available to you at this time.
Your cards: King of Wands, Six of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles
Work with this crystal: Amethyst

Taurus – April 20th through May 20th
You may be feeling a little overwhelmed, anxious, or confused right now. A chapter in your life is ending and you haven’t quite started writing the next. It’s possible that you are waiting for an answer or event that will inform your next moves even if you don’t realize it yet.
Your final card was The Sun, so great things are happening! Use this time to amp up your self-care and get plenty of rest before your next climb. Remember to flow with your own energy and the energy around you instead of trying to fight it.
Your cards: Queen of Swords, Ten of Swords, The Sun
Work with this crystal: Serpentine

Gemini – May 21st through June 20th
This is the time to take a good look at the unhealthy attachments you have. This could be an unhealthy relationship, a fear of being alone, substance addiction, or other chain that keeps you tethered to a place of dependency and stunted growth. If you want to level up, you’re gonna have to leave that thing behind.
Don’t just quit though. Surround yourself with people who aren’t stuck in the same muck you’re stranded in, create backup plans for when temptation starts to become overwhelming and keep moving forward. Most of all, falling down doesn’t mean you failed, it’s just part of the process. Keep getting back up!
Your cards: Ace of Cups, The Moon, The Devil
Work with this crystal: Tiger’s Eye

Cancer – June 21st through July 22nd
This is going to be a good year for you! If you’ve been working on being financially independent, then you will see that come to fruition this year. If you were already financially independent, you may find yourself feeling even more secure and better able to enjoy the life you are building.
Please do keep in mind that being independent doesn’t mean you don’t need help here and there, we all have different things to contribute to our tribes and communities and things we need from them as well.
I think there will also be a lot of opportunities or things you would like to do this year and you will not always have the information you need to make a choice or prioritize. Go with the flow and let your intuition be your guide, even when it’s guiding you to wait.
Your cards: Ace of Cups, Nine of Pentacles, Seven of Cups
Work with this crystal: Labradorite

Leo – July 23rd through August 22nd
Your message is more of a reminder and confirmation of what you already know to be true. You have put a lot of work into understanding yourself and growing as a person. You are both logical and practical with the patience and adaptability needed to navigate this life in the best way possible.
All that you are on the inside calls for the external energies that match your own. Unfortunately, these outside energies can tend to be a little slow, and often more than a little. Make sure you look for and celebrate all the little bits of progress and all your blessings as often as possible to keep you motivated and hopefully speed things up a little as well!
Your cards: Queen of Swords, Queen of Cups, Knight of Pentacles
Work with this crystal: Clear Quartz

Virgo – August 23rd through September 22nd
You have recently decided or may be thinking about deciding to walk away from someone or something that’s been a pretty big part of your life for some time now. While this energy will manifest differently for everyone, there doesn’t seem to be any hard feelings here.
Sure, it’s probably uncomfortable at the least and it may come with some pain but you know this is the right move for you. You can be sad that something will no longer be a part of your life while also looking forward to and even being excited by where this path will lead. This path leads to long-term stability and fulfillment!
Your cards: King of Swords, Eight of Cups, Ten of Pentacles
Work with this crystal: Tiger’s Eye

Libra – September 23rd through October 22nd
You are done with meaningless interactions and events. You are looking to live life in a way that fills your cup and this is the year to get yourself on that path. What inspires you? What are some things you always wanted to do but never pursued? Maybe you are curious about things you’ve never even paid attention to.
This is the time to let inspiration be your guide! You don’t have to commit or even decide on what you want to do, this is the time to experiment with different things so you can make that decision with confidence later on. You’re already dancing with the energy of abundance, now you just have to see which dances are your favorites!
Your cards: Ten of Cups, Three of Wands, Queen of Wands
Work with this crystal: Prehnite

Scorpio – October 23rd through November 21st
Wow, Scorpio, this is your year! We can go through so much of our lives wondering when or if we will ever see returns for all the hard work and good energy we put out there. Stop wondering and start looking because there are always little signs and blessings.
Focusing on gratitude calls in more to be grateful for and if you’re too busy looking at what’s wrong, it’s all too easy to miss what’s good! Make this year about understanding your own power and learning to listen to your intuition. Starting a habit of meditating every day, even if only for five minutes, will help you to tune in to yourself in a way that nothing else can!
Your cards: ace of Pentacles, Justice, The Priestess
Work with this crystal: Obsidian

Sagittarius – November 22nd through December 21st
This is the time for you to work on your mindset. If all we see is what we don’t have, it becomes quite difficult for us to see good things that we already have and opportunities that are or are becoming available to us.
I feel as if there is a person or circumstance that has been keeping you in this energy, making you feel like this is just the way of things. You may already be moving away from or thinking about moving away from this person or thing, if so, this is your confirmation. If not, this is a call for you to take a good look at the people or things that confirm your negative mindset so you can begin to move in a better direction.
Your cards: Ace of Cups, Five of Cups, Six of Swords
Work with this crystal: Selenite

Capricorn – December 22nd through January 19th
Big change is in the air, as many of you already know, some of you may have even initiated this change. Change can be uncomfortable and even quite painful at times while you acclimate and adapt so this year you are being advised to keep your eye on your main goal while you assess, reassess, and tweak things like processes and schedules.
Make these tweaks in small increments and give them plenty of time to show you if they need more tweaking. This can be a slow and meticulous process so be patient with your efforts as well as yourself! You’re moving in the right direction!
Your cards: Death, Two of Penticles, Temperance
Work with this crystal: Selenite

Aquarius – January 20th through February 18th
This year is all about balance for you. It may seem like your efforts are in vain but I promise you they are not. I feel like there’s a big change coming that will be the open door for that good juju to walk through and you likely initiated this change but still have very little control over the outcome.
Have some faith! Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, even if the timing sucks. Keep doing what you’re doing and stay flexible. When this big change hits, you will likely be doing things quite differently and will need a bit of time to contemplate your new path before making moves. Remember too, that everything you’ve been doing has served a purpose for you even if you won’t be doing anything like it in the future.
Your cards: Justice, Death, King of Wands
Work with this crystal: Obsidian

Pisces – February 19th through March 20th
This is the year to rise above the drama and fear. Whether it’s allowing yourself to get pulled into other people’s pointless drama or letting the media play on your fears like a piano, this is the energy you are leaving behind. It will be good to frequently remind yourself that there are some things you just can’t change.
People need to learn their lessons in their own way and time. While you can plant seeds of truth and helpful advice, it is up to them how they will grow that seed, if at all. And the problems of the world? They’re too big for one person to handle in thought or action. You can be informed but be wise about your sources and limit your time with such things as much as possible. Think of ways you can create ripples in your small community or join forces with bigger organizations.
Your cards: Five of Wands, Five of Swords, King of Pentacles
Work with this crystal: Tiger’s Eye
What I’m Doing
- My current crochet project – Freehand Mandala Blanket
- What I’ve written this past week
- What I’m watching
- What I’m reading
- What I’m listening to
- Free stuff
- Thank you!
My current crochet project – Freehand mandala blanket
Many of my crochet projects have a few incarnations before I settle on what sticks and this is one of those cases. I so love this yarn so I’m a little more picky with what its final form will be. It started off as a shawl with the pretty triangular stitch you see below but it was hella small and I don’t really do shawls, though I would like to make one I’d like to keep.
The second incarnation was a short-lived attempt at a scarf which is the olive and purple bit in the photo. I decided I wanted much better for this pretty yarn!

I then decided that it was the perfect yarn for a mandala blanket. I’ve found a few patterns I love here and there but I so love to freehand them, it helps me to connect a little more with the process of creating in a different way. Here’s what it looks like now:

What I’ve written this past week
All the links are free, of course 🙂
- Last week’s newsletter – Having Trouble Creating a Journaling Habit? Try This!
- The Energy of Giving and Receiving ~ A Message From the Universe
- Time for a Break! A Message From the Universe
What I’m reading
I am still listening to book 7 of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series.
This is my all-time favorite set of books 💙
“Set in a world of ominous landscape and macabre menace, The Dark Tower series features one of Stephen King’s most powerful creations—The Gunslinger—a haunting figure who embodies the qualities of the lone hero through the ages, from ancient myth to frontier Western legend. As Roland crosses a desert of damnation in a treacherous world that is a twisted image of our own, he moves ever closer to the Dark Tower of his dreams—and nightmares.”
I’m also still listening to Fairy Tale by Stephen King for the 2nd time 🙂
“Master storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this #1 New York Times bestselling and spellbinding novel about a young man who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higher—for that world or ours.”
Click here for book details, links, and other book recommendations.
What I’m watching
I just finished watching all the Harry Potter movies for the first time and was unprepared for how much I would love them! Starting at about the 3rd movie, I noticed that each movie was darker than the last, showing how it grew with its fans. I am likely to watch them and possibly read them over and over again for years to come! HBO/Max currently has all of these movies.
What I’m listening to
Sia, Titanium (acoustic live)
The original version of this song had some techno-sounding stuff that hurt my ears 😂😂😂 This is such a beautiful version that showcases the strength and inspiration conveyed in its lyrics!
ABBA, Money, Money, Money
YouTube threw this one at me out of nowhere and it’s now stuck in my head lol
Doja Cat, Boss Bitch
One of my favorite lines ever is from this song! “I’m clumsy, made friends with the floor,” story of my life lol
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