Rise Above the Darkness ~ A Message From the Universe
Today’s Message From the Universe invites you to rise above the darkness in the world around you.

I would first like to say that, though I try to maintain a positive mindset, I’m not the “toxic positivity” sort of person. Our more difficult emotions such as anger, fear, and even grief have their place and purpose. Denying the negative in and around us isn’t helpful.
Understanding the darkness allows us to see where the cracks are so that we can find the best way to bring light into those dark corners.
However, bringing some light into the situation doesn’t mean you have to be immersed in the darkness. In fact, your light will cover a larger area if you are able to maintain a bit of distance.
Think of it like a flashlight. If you hold the light close to your hand, the light on your hand will be about the same size as the head of the flashlight. If you shine that light on the opposite end of the room you’re in, the area lit up by that light is far larger.
A little astrology with big implications – Pluto moves into Aquarius
While this lightwork can apply to our individual lives, there is a heavy emphasis on the collective energies right now.
Pluto has been moving in and out of Capricorn and Aquarius this year and will be moving into Aquarius on the 19th to stay until 2044. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778-1798 and with it came the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions.
I’m an Aquarius so I’m excited and curious about what this means for me but I’m even more so when it comes to its effect on the collective. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth while Aquarius represents technology, humanitarianism, and societal structures.
I keep telling people how much I believe in our younger generations. I believe that they are reshaping our society in a way that will see many of our faulty structures crumble to make room for a more humanitarian approach to the way our society works.
Of course, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns.
Changes are hard, especially the big ones. Even when they’re good and necessary changes, they are uncomfortable at the least, even for those who benefit from them.
But here’s the thing.
For the first time in known history, most of us small folk have the access and ability to freely communicate and organize with other small folk all over the globe. We have been using our incredible and fast-growing technology to feed and perpetuate all the wrong things. What if we used it to benefit humanity instead of a handful of people, corporations, and governments to whom we are only a bunch of numbers on a screen?
I know, these are some pretty big ideas that could be seen and implemented in a million different ways but that’s where it has always started. Our needs and a bunch of ideas.
So where do we start?
Let’s start from where we are right now. Let’s not let those who speak and act out of selfishness and fear bring us down to their level. Let’s show them what is possible when you look for the light! Let’s hurl love and light and blessings upon them because doing so has the ability to remove them from their defensive stance.
Do this with your online interactions as well as those you meet in your daily life. See what your communities have in the way of organizations that speak to your need and passion to help build this new world. Your words and actions create far-reaching ripples 💙
If you want to learn more about Pluto moving into Aquarius, I found this article to be full of good info 🙂
Today’s crystals and decks will bring you to that item in my shop while the music links will bring you to YouTube 🙂
Today’s Crystals
Today’s Deck
Check Out This Deck
Last Friday’s Message from the Universe
Today’s Music

1 Comment
It Is What It Is ~ A Message From the Universe · November 22, 2024 at 10:00 am
[…] Rise Above the Darkness ~ A Message From the Universe […]