A Message from the Universe – 2 of Wands (reversed) and 4 of Swords

The reversed 2 of Wands indicates being stuck or finally becoming unstuck but being quite unprepared for it. In both cases, the 4 of swords advises that reflection is important at this time.
If you are stuck, it’s important to take time to consider where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’d like to be going. I highly suggest limiting your exposure to media in all its forms as its too easy to become overwhelmed by what’s happening in the world when you should be attending to that in yourself which needs healing.
For those of you who feel like you’ve been suddenly dropped into chaos, you may be required to think on your feet in order to navigate these particular waters. There are some things we just can’t prepare for but we learn as we go so don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you’re ovewhelmed.
It’s perfectly normal to get caught up in that fight or flight mode but remember, this mode reduces brain function and makes it difficult to make sound decisions. Make it a habit to do a reality check as often as possible, use your 5 senses to reconnect with your body and lower cortisol levels. This should enable you to step away from the emotional aspect of the situation so you can see the situation for what it is and strategize accordingly.
We are living in strange times, my friends. Take care of you so you can better take care of others. Be safe both physically as well as mentally. Both are quite challenging right now.
Today’s Deck:
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